When I woke up this morning it was odd for I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep last night that's how tired I was. Pulling the covers back it was a cool 55 degrees out so I grabbed a pair of pants out of my vehicle and ran back into my camper for shelter. From there I decided to head down to on the visitor centers near Colter Bay and brush my teeth in the bathroom. I then went into the gift shop to buy my sticker and was shocked at how nice it was. I literally wanted everything that was in that shop and there were so many great things that I could buy for gifts but at the same time the price was not my cup of tea. What is interesting is that throughout the park there are about three visitor centers and each center has a grocery store, gift shop, laundry/showers, and a gas station.
Once I glimpsed at the weather I noticed that it was supposed to rain almost the entire day and frankly I am tired of hiking in the rain all the time. So I figured this would be the perfect time to catch up on my blog and other things I need internet and cell service for. From the visitor center, I drove to Jackson Lodge and went up to the lobby to find a place to sit. Now, if I were to be honest it was nice to say that I was in a lodge but I would have preferred to be in a Starbucks for it would have been quieter to work. People were coming and going constantly and kids were running around and then someone decided to play the piano; it was just a lot of commotion all the time and not tranquil like I was hoping for. Finding an outlet was a whole other story for I kept following all the lamp cords to places in the center of all the rugs that I could not get to! I finally found one that just reached when I pulled the chair a tad closer. I then decided I would get a cup of coffee from the outpost in the lobby that had Starbucks cups with those little Starbucks drink holder things. Oh but they were not associated with Starbucks and do not take Starbucks gift cards so I had to pay for the coffee and when I asked why then do they sell their coffee in Starbucks cups they could not give me an answer! Grrr.
Finally, situated with my expensive ass coffee and my computer plugged in I typed away. I was there switching between writing in my journal and updating my blog for a good three to four hours. At that point it was going on 15:00 and I decided to leave the lodge. I really didn't have anything to do since by the time it stopped raining an hour later it was too late to start any of the hikes that I wanted to do. Instead, I drove around taking in the views and hoping to spot some wildlife along the way. I saw a huge group of people pulled over on the side of the road and knew that there had to be an animal of some sort nearby so I did what any tourist would do and pulled over also. Apparently, there was a mother grizzly with two cubs bedded down off in the distance. I pulled out my binoculars and after a few minutes the mothers head popped up and then went back down: that folks is my grizzly bear encounter.
I will say that all day I have been in a crappy mood and I would like to attribute that to the fact that I am in this amazing place but spent the entire day inside a building and also that finding a true camping spot has proven to be difficult. Granted it was raining today so that's somewhat justifiable since I am tired of being in the rain and if I got wet I would be cold and my camper does not have a heater. Plus I have determined that although I love rain and storms most of the time when its foul weather my temper tends to join in and be foul also.
At 17:00 I decided to go back to the picnic area I was at last night to make some pasta and tempt fate by "parking" there again. Yes, there was one campground still open but I am on a tight budget and do not want to pay $30.00 to just sleep. Anyways, while I was cooking up my pasta a Indian family slowly drove backwards to my camper which was hilarious and as they passed the wife said they had to come back because she wanted to see my camper. So I gave them the grand tour and they were a huge family all of whom loved my camper. Then the husband asked if I wanted one of their subway sandwiches! I mean how nice of them to offer me a sandwich of theirs when obviously they only bought enough for themselves! I politely and graciously declined and as they were leaving one of the little girls said I was very pretty! I mean my heart just melted they were so cute and such a wonderfully nice and sweet family!
When they were gone I ate my pasta which was actually really good. Then I did all my dishes and cleaned up my camper the best I could. I tried to write in my journal outside to see the sunset but the mosquitoes were large and on the hunt! So I finished writing in my blog and then crawled under all the covers in my clothes to go to bed.
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