August 15, 2017 Day 68
I was awake by 06:00 and before I got dressed I grabbed my clothes and laid on top of them to warm them up. Once I determined they were to the temperature of my liking I put them on under all the covers and stepped outside. It was a cool 51 degrees and the sky was overcast. The last time I looked at the radar, which was a couple days ago, it said there would be no rain but one never knows with the weather. After I made a protein shake I unhooked my camper to leave it behind once more while I went off to explore.
As I drove to Point Imperial (where I would be hiking six miles) I drank my shake and listened to the same six songs that were on my phone. The drive didn't take long and by 07:20 I pulled into the parking area. When I went to step out of my vehicle I was almost blown back inside by the strength of the wind; it definitely had a lot to say today! Although the wind was howling something awful and the temps were in the low 50's I had already decided I was going to go on this hike today and usually once I make my mind up on something it takes a lot to persuade me otherwise. So dressed in multiple layers and for the first time wearing both a sweater and a jacket I put my pack on and set off on the trail.
The trail went up and down constantly following the ridge and then winding into the forest. Once could easily see where the fire in 2000 had hit and affected the landscape but to me that only added to the beauty. The hike was slow going due to my foot but I refused to turn back which maybe if I was wiser I would have. In my young state though I act like I can conquer the world and can push my body to do whatever my mind decides it should and can do. Though the sky was overcast and the wind never took a break the birds were out in full swing. So I switched my landscape photography to wildlife and before I knew it I would be standing in one area for fifteen minutes to try and get a photo. It was at one such moment that I realized I should probably keep going for I don't have all day and if it does decide to rain I should be further on then where I was currently positioned.
Near the end of the hike I had to stop and eat something for I could tell me body was slowing down and it wasn't just due to the pain in my foot. Within a couple minutes, after some trail mix and a piece of hard candy, I was back on the trail. I finished the hike around 10:00 and though I was not hot nor cold the entire hike I was completely soaked from sweat. I changed quickly into something dry and then headed back down the road to acquire my camper.
With coffee in one hand (well okay in the cup holder), a peanut butter sandwich in the other and my camper now behind me I drove away from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. My next destination is the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and approximately four hours. Before I got on the main highway, I acquired some cell service so I pulled over to the side of the road to make some calls. First, I called my mom and dad in Wisconsin to let them know I was okay and what my plan was. Second, I called and left a voicemail with my dad in Florida. Third, I called Travis and talked to him about some ideas that popped in my head and then we acquired some possible plans for the future. Possibly a trip to the Virgin Islands and a meet up in Arizona?? After that I texted a couple other friends and family members to let them know I was all good.
Around 17:00 I had arrived at the visitor center and acquired the maps that I usually get so that I could plan my hikes and activities for the following day. From there I drove south to free camping within the Kaibab National Forest. There I set up my camper, shower, and called my mom back to tell her where I was located. We talked for some time, during which I boiled some water and poured in into my solar shower for I had not showered in four days and was in desperate need of one. Let me tell you that that water was pretty nasty and the hair on my legs was the longest I have ever let it get before. Afterwards though I felt like a million bucks.
While I was organizing my vehicle out, after my shower, I noticed that a mouse had gotten into my trail mix and decided to haul it all and make a nest where my spare tire is kept! So I had to clean that all up and remove all my food from my vehicle. I couldn't even get mad about the situation especially when I tell my mom and she informs me in her sarcastic voice that one is not suppose to transport animals across state lines! HaHa. Oh man I love that woman. Once all that was taken care of I made a tomato bisque and sat in my camper eating that and coming up with a plan for tomorrow.
Sigh....lets just say I was not too thrilled about the reality of my situation when it came to planning the hikes. Once I spoke with Travis I really wanted to do the twenty mile hike down into the canyon, camp for a night and hike back out; however, he didn't think it wise for me to do that with the shape my feet were in. Though I didn't want to agree with him and admit that I was not capable of doing that sort of hike in my condition, he was right. Due to hiking over 22 miles in two days and I believe not wearing boots that properly fit my feet my feet were suffering. My right foot now had a blister on top of my old blister, I lost my toe nail on my third toe and I have a blister on my heel. On my left foot my big toe nail is completely black and blue and also has a blister on it and the nail on my fourth toe in is also black and blue.
Irritated that I can not do that hike I settled on sight seeing tomorrow and then do a six mile hike the following day. With my plan finally laid out I put away all my maps, washed my dishes, wiped my feet off again with a cleansing wipe before climbing into bed and then said good night to everyone I was talking to.