So last night, I knew a storm was approaching for I could see it off in the distance; however, I did not bother to take down my shower for I was tired and it needed to air out anyways. Well I should have taken it down. I was awoken in the middle of the night to the wind hollering madly outside my camper and then I heard a bang as my shower was flung over onto my vehicle. Luckily, the rain had not started yet at this point so I ran out, stood the shower back up and began taking it down. I didn't put it away but instead laid it down on the ground so it wouldn't blow away since I felt some raindrops and wanted to get back inside. Not but two minutes later it down poured and kept up for sometime; when it ended I do not know for I had fallen back to sleep.
When I awoke again, around 07:30, I laid there in bed soaking in the comfort of my blankets and the cool air; however, that didn't last long for it started to get too hot already inside the camper. Outside I started packing up and set up my shower to dry out before putting that away also. I used the last of my milk to make a protein shake and am contemplating using powdered milk for that will store longer and that way I don't have to buy ice since the only thing I would have in my cooler then would be water. Also, I have to pick up some new silicone for my back hatch is still leaking and getting into my protein powders and ruining them!
It was now a little after 08:00 and I had no clue what I wanted to do. Did I want to go back two hours to hit up Bryce Canyon National Park or did I want to continue on to the Grand Canyon National Park? Was there also a slim possibility Antelope Canyon would have a tour opening? This last one I highly doubted and will just be added to my list of things to come back and do when I planned a little more. Since I needed to stop at Walmart to pick up food and some personal items I decided I would drive the seven miles there and when I have better service decide.
The Walmart in Hurricane, Utah was hands down the quietest and most relaxing Walmart I have ever been in! There was hardly anyone there and it was nice to not being running into people all the time plus at least two people had their dogs with them in the store and they were not small dogs either. This Walmart trip, also has been the most expensive trip thus far costing me around $50.00. Anyways, back at my vehicle I made myself a roast beef and cheese sandwich and sat down with my phone to make a decision. I finally got through to someone at Antelope Canyon tours and ended up hanging up with the woman before I said something mean. She just irritated me for I had asked if there was anything available this week and she said no so I then asked her if there was anything for the following week and instead of being polite she got an attitude and was like, "Ma'am a week is seven days so that would mean we are full until the 18th." Umm...duh! I think I graduated from kindergarten and I know how many freaking days are in one week! In the end, I decided to continue on to the Grand Canyon.
The drive to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon from where I was located was only about two hours. On the way there I pulled over into a scenic view that was right over the border into Arizona and realized I had cell phone service. Since I was oddly tired today and honestly just didn't feel like driving or doing much of anything I decided I would stay here for the night. I was also in a crap mood for some unknown reason so I tried to take a nap but like usual that didn't go so well. Instead I ended up talking to Travis on the phone for a little bit and then took to working on the book I was making for my nieces birthday. That didn't work also for my computer wouldn't connect to my phones personal hotspot for some reason.
In the end, to distract myself from everything that was upsetting me I was finally able to connect to the internet and just watched Netflix. When I had watched the last episode of my show I just laid there in bed. For the first time since I began my journey I just laid there crying for the pain in chest was just too great. I already knew what I feared with a friend of mine and it just hurt so much that someone could be one way and then do a complete 180 degree personality change and treat you like you don't exist at all; as if you were just a pile of trash they took out in the morning and never thought about again. Then in the middle of the night to early morning I found out a good friend of mine was in a motorcycle accident; thankfully, only his ankle was broken for it could have been a lot worse. I think it is safe to say I didn't get any sleep tonight.
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