Friday, April 13, 2018

Day 176

March 28, 2018                                                                                                              Day 176

It has been a long time since I have written in here and there were many times when I had things I needed to express but for some reason I never picked up a pen and wrote them down.  Today is the first time that I am back on the road!  As to how I feel about being back on the road...I don't yet know.  The excitement I had in the beginning has diminished but I hope it will come back.  I feel like I need some days of solitude to find myself.  So much is racking around in my brain as I write but how to express it all?

Everyone keeps asking me what my plans are after my trip (which I know is a logical question); however, the more they ask the more confused I get.  It kind of irritates me actually, though it shouldn't,  for every day someone asks me that question at least once and it distracts me from actually focusing on the present.  For I then become frustrated that I myself do not know the answer to the question and become distraught that I have not accomplished what I thought I would have by now in my life.  When I start to go down that rabbit hole I need to pull back out and remind myself that I have accomplished quite a bit and have dealt with far greater hardships then most...many of which I have not spoken to anyone about.  Then I remind myself of how blessed I have been and how fortunate I am to have the family I do and to have had the experiences that I have had for they all made me stronger.  Everyone seems to have their own opinion on where I should be in my life and what I should be doing but I truly only need to concern myself with what it is I want and focus on that from here on out.

As I pulled out of the driveway to my parents house I felt bad leaving my mom but I knew I needed to continue on my way.  My first stop was brothers house where I stayed for a few days watching my two nieces.  From my brothers home I drove south to my friend, Stacies, house where I stayed for an additional two days.  Leaving her house, the sun was shining and it was a warm 50 degrees out.  As I drove two hours south to Starved Rock State Park the temperature rose to 54 degrees but the sky had become cloudy and dismal in appearance. 

Pulling into Starved Rock State Park I was surprised by the amount of people!  The main parking area was quite full and had no parking for RV's so I continued on to the overflow parking where there was no one around.  Once parked I grabbed my new Osprey day-pack and walked down to the visitor center; calling my mother on the way down to inform her of where I was.  The trails in the park were mostly boardwalks and people and dogs were everywhere!  I kept bumping into people and to make it less enjoyable one couldn't see anything at any of the overlooks.  Just trees (stupid Earth for blocking my view! haha) and water that contained quite a bit of garbage.  After 3.5 miles I called it a day and went back to my camper where I changed, left mom a voicemail, made a spinach wrap of meat and cheese and then cut up some carrots and paired that with hummus.  I also made some herbal tea that my parents had gotten me for Easter and decided to go to a rest area to spend the evening.  It was there that I crawled into my camper and informed mom of where I was located.  I wrote in my journal and had an uneventful evening.

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