My alarm sounded at 05:00 am and then at 05:30 but I was just too cozy and warm for once that I didn't want to step outside. Finally, at 06:00 I knew that if I was going to do this hike I needed to get a move on. I was going to make coffee but did not feel like dealing with it so I just got in my vehicle, turned the ignition and let it warm up before hitting the road. It was about a twenty minute drive to where I had parked yesterday across form Camp #4. When I arrived, I decided to just leave my camper attached to my vehicle so I backed into a spot and called it good.
Dressed in my tight workout pants, socks, hiking boots, under-amour long-sleeve, t-shirt, jacket, hats and gloves I prepped my pack: it was approximately 35 degrees out. Once I was all set I texted my friend, Sal, my plan and called up my mom. I spoke to her while I walked to a restroom and then spent the next ten minutes wondering around trying to find the upper Yosemite trail head. There was construction everywhere and no signs at all until I saw the one hidden back in the woods. Talking with my mom was hilarious and entertaining which put me in a good mood for this hike I was about to do.
The hike would be a 9.6 mile trip up and back down from Upper Yosemite Falls. The first 4.8 miles would be all uphill with an elevation change of 2,600 ft. Starting out I was in the woods and it didn't take long for me to start breathing hard. When I reached a viewing point I met a guy who was approximately around the same age as me. We hiked together and though I was really enjoying the conversation I knew I was slowing him down so I told him he could continue on for I was going to take a break. I cannot emphasize enough how much it bothers me how difficult it is for me to breath and not be able to keep up with others. Maybe I really am that out of shape or maybe my body just can not adjust to the constant elevation changes. I don't know what the reason it but I do know I hate it. by the time I was halfway there I was moving very slowly and I just kept telling myself to put one foot in front of the other. Step by step I finally made it to the top even though there were times I wanted to quit I knew I couldn't and wouldn't for I was no committed to this.
At the top, I had to hike 0.2 miles down to the viewing area of the upper Yosemite falls where I met up again with the guy from earlier and found out that one can not really view the falls at all from this point so why they went about doing the work to make a railing and steps I do not know. Now I had to climb all those stairs back up! Talk about a stair master, my legs should be steal after this. I decided I would join him for an additional mile to get to Yosemite point. We got somewhat off trail but made it there and boy was the view something else! It was breathtaking up there and he and I stood talking for awhile before deciding I was going to head down and he was going to continue on to North Dome.
Before we parted ways we exchanged numbers and with that I headed back down the way I had come. The way down seemed to go on forever and my knees and feet were in pain from the constant jarring of each step. Going down was also more difficult for the rocks were slippery and the trail was covered in loose gravel that made it easy for one to slide. Again, do I prefer going up or down? They both suck and by the end of the trail I was tired and my legs were shaking from the effort of trying to not fall. I had started the trail around 08:30 and ended near 13:00 and when I finally got to my camper I was freezing cold from my sweat. I was also hungry but at the same time I felt too tired to really do anything but I knew I needed food and to warm up so I staggered to the back of my camper and made some Ramon noodles. I really wanted to take a nap but I needed to call the post office to see if my package arrived and I also wanted to try and find some gifts.
I changed clothes and took the shuttle to the village but I didn't find anything to buy and my plan to get a beer was thwarted by the fact that one bottle cost from $6.00 to $8.00! In the end, I called my grandma and spoke to her as I rode the shuttle back to my vehicle and made a sandwich. Then I headed towards Glacier Point where I was planning to see the sunset. Driving there took forever on the winding road but when I got there and got out I was freezing and exhausted. I walked to the point to take some pictures and the view was pretty spectacular for I could see all three waterfalls I had hiked, half dome and all of the valley As I stood there I realized I would not be able to see the sunset for the mountain was in the way so I ended up driving back down.
Heading down towards the entrance of the park the sunset was stunning so I stopped to take some pictures. As darkness surrounded me my exhaustion took over and I knew I had to pull over otherwise I may fall asleep behind the wheel. So I pulled over and told my mom where I was and figured a park ranger probably will come yell at me at some point but I was just too tired to continue driving. Well I park ranger did come bang on my door around 22:30 and a woman told me I had to leave the park. So I drove onward, fighting sleep, until I found a turnout where I pulled over and went back to bed.
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