I woke up at 09:00 again this morning and still feeling exhausted and not up to my usually standards of health. The thought of eating anything sickens me so I did not make coffee nor breakfast this morning. I think I may possibly be dehydrated for my lips are constantly dry and I am always thirsty so I will need to mind what I drink and take in some electrolites. I eventually dragged myself out of bed and started packing everything up since I had to be out of my spot by noon. I boiled water for some hot tea, made a gatoraid drink and also put one of my vitamin C tablets in a glass of 8 ounces of water. From there I washed dishes and while I was in the process of reorganizing my kitchen a couple came by wanting to see my camper. So we talked for about ten to fifteen minutes about my camper and my trip and then they left. Once they were gone I finished my organizing, put on real clothes and then I took a hammer to the trim on my back hatch to remove the rivets that are no longer doing anything.
I didn't acquire cell service until I was some ways out of the park just driving around. Once service was established I punched in the University of California: Santa Cruz and drove around the campus trying my best to not run over kids who never bothered to look before entering the road. The whole university seemed to be hidden among trees which I really liked and it seemed like a pretty decent school and a potential spot for my Masters; if that is the path I choose. From there I ended up driving to Natural Bridges State Beach in search once again of cell service. Apparently, the entire city of Santa Cruz does not like Verizon cell service.
Needless to say the beach had no service and though I still was not feeling like eating anything I knew I should get something in my stomach. So I had a bagel and some banana chips before changing into my bathing suit and packing up for a day at the beach. The temperature outside was perfect and since I had stayed at a state park last night I could therefore be at any state beach until sunset for free. All day I laid out on the sun rotating from laying on my stomach and reading my book to laying on my back. After a few hours, around 15:00, I decided to head back to my camper and try to find cell service so I could call my dad and grandma in Wisconsin to wish them a Happy Birthday.
At my camper, I peeled a carrot, sliced up a granny smith apple and de-shelled an egg for my lunch/dinner. While doing thing a lady, who had pulled in next to me, commented on my camper and we began talking. She told me that she once hitchhiked around the world which I would love to do but sadly one cannot simply do that these days. We spoke for some time and then I gave her my blog information and we parted ways. Once I had eaten some of my food I took off in my vehicle and spent the next ten minutes driving around trying to obtain cell service.
I finally pulled into a CVS pharmacy parking lot and though I still didn't really have service I was able to get a phone call out to wish my dad a Happy Birthday. They teased me that they were having cake and ice cream which I would totally devour if I was there! I tried to call my grandma also but her phone line was busy so I headed off in the direction of Half Moon Bay State Beach hoping to find somewhere along the road to stop for the night. Driving on Hwy 1, it was as beautiful as everyone said it would be though it was hard to really see too much for the sun was setting and was directly in my face. Also, at one point it got really gloomy out which was very odd for it almost seemed like it could have been smoke. One beach area I drove by I had to turn around and go back to for it was littered in hundreds of pelicans and I just had to take some photos. Shortly afterwards, I found a dirt turnout that didn't contain a no parking sign and decided to call it a night.
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