I did not sleep well at all last night which I do not know if it was due to having a few drinks last night or because I knew someone was outside my camper. I also had some crazy dreams which kept me from getting a peaceful nights rest. When I stepped out to use the restroom around 05:00 Travis was up but I told him that I was going back to bed for I was not ready to get up yet and I was hoping to catch some more sleep; which really didn't happen.
As I stepped out about an hour later Travis was already packed up and he offered me some of the coffee he had made. He took off on a walk and I went about packing up my portable shower, the canopy and prepping my camper for travel. By the time he came back I had everything packed up so we headed towards Death Valley National Park which was apparently around two hours away since I wanted to stop at the visitor center. The drive was not too bad though I had no service and there were no radio channels so I had no music in which to listen to. Normally, that would drive me insane but it was actually a peaceful ride this time. One town we drove thru called Trona was like a town that had barely survived an atomic bomb for all the buildings were locked down and the area was so desolate. The entire drive to Death Valley was a desolate area with no plants of any kind and there was just dirt as far as one could see.
Like I said Death Valley National Park holds up to its name for there is nothing there but rock and sand. No trees and only a few scattered sage brushes. As far as one can see there are hills of rock and dirt of every different color and texture. The sand ranged from pastels of greens, yellows, purples, blues, reds and oranges. Then one sees the salt flats that are a brilliant white and look like snow against the barren, brown landscape. The temperature reached 102 degrees Fahrenheit and for the entire park we were suggested to not have our AC going in our vehicles. My vehicle for sure protested pulling my camper in that environment and the engine was constantly revving.
Travis and I walked around the Badwater Basin and then hit the Artists palate all in his car for we had left mine at the visitor center. When we returned to the Furnace visitor center I found out my spare Jerry gas can sprang a leak so I had to empty the gas can into my tank. I will have to see if I can fix it in any way otherwise I will have to dispose of it and acquire another gas can for my travels. We filled up all our water and then headed out to the park stopping at a few more locations before leaving.
All day Travis and I were off kilter for we had both somehow developed different ideas on how these couple days would go so we trying to handle that. As we left the park we headed south back in the direction we had come to for we wanted to go to Sequoia National Park. It was about a six hour drive and was quite boring so when I acquired service I spoke to my mom and then my friend Luke. At this point in time I was beyond starving and eventually around 18:00 we pulled into Temblor Brewing Company which Travis had found. I immediately ordered a beer and then a devoured an entire burger that had: pepper jack cheese, fried jalapenos and onions, BBQ sauce and lettuce on it. It was so delicious and to top it all off I had another beer and a huge brownie! Pretty sure I had a food baby and will never lose weight when I eat like this. Ha. After we ate we found a Love's to park at for the night for we needed to hit up an outdoor store so I could by some backpacking food.
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