Thursday, September 21, 2017

Day 96

September 12, 2017                                                                                            Day 96

My alarm sounded off at 04:30 and then again at 04:35 but I didn’t want to wake up.   I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes, crawl deeper into the covers and continue my slumber.  Unfortunately, I had to wake up if I was going to follow thru on all my plans to go to the Santa Cruz Island within the Channel Islands National Park.  The last couple days I have been making hundreds of phone calls to plan this trip from booking the boat to booking my campsites and asking a million questions.  I have to say that for someone who hates planning trips I am fairly decent at it.  So I got up and as my oatmeal cooked and my coffee grew in strength I zombie walked to the showers to obviously shower and get dressed in my hiking clothes.  Back at my camper, I grabbed my oatmeal and coffee and sat inside my camper while I ate; looking up some last minute information.  Then I put on my new hiking boots, that I will now call my galaxy boots for they look out of this world and are nowhere near my style but they are comfortable, and proceeded to hook up and pull away from my spot.  At the entrance, I wrote a short note and dropped off my key and then I pulled away from the best RV Park I have been to and I have a feeling that I will ever be too. I know that as soon as I acquire internet service I will be writing up an awesome review of that place.

The drive to Ventura, California was only an hour drive and I had to be there by 08:00 so I left at 06:00 just in case I ran into any sort of traffic.  The closer to Ventura that I got the fewer vehicles I encountered which I liked and as I pulled into the marina a mist clung to the air.  Since I was an hour early I parked and called up my mom to let her know I made it.  We talked for a while until I had to say goodbye so I could make sure my pack was ready to go for my adventure.

At 08:00, the doors opened and I went in to sign my name, deliver my campsite numbers, emergency contact and to receive my parking passes.  From there my pack was weighed at 36 pounds and then I removed my water and fuel for transport on the boat.  Then I waited ever so patiently…haha yeah right.  Finally, at 09:00 we were allowed to board the boat and like always I went straight to the top deck and I couldn’t believe how excited I was to be back on a boat and on the water!  I do miss operating a boat and being able to go out on the water more than I thought I would.

The boat ride to the island was tiring to say the least and after we saw my first wild sea lions I fell asleep only to abruptly jerk away.  Boy did I jump too!  After an hour ride, I could see Santa Cruz Island and we were docking at Scorpion Beach to let the first set of passengers, gear and kayaks off.  It took quite some time to unload but I passed the time by looking over the boat into the crystal clear water.  I could see all the way to the bottom and there was kelp and fish everywhere.

With those passengers finally off we boated an additional 20 minutes to Prisoner Harbor where I was dropped off; along with a couple that was doing the same trek as I.  Upon unloading, I immediately took to the trail to the campsite for I didn’t know exactly how many miles it was (later I found out it was 3.5 miles) and it was 11:00.  Right away with the hills!  I was breathing like Darth Vader immediately; however, I was not really out of breath which I know that probably makes no sense at all.   The entire hike was uphill with I think only one downhill section. My legs were on fire and I did not anticipate that there would be such hills: I probably should have looked at a topographical map.  I just hope that the 14 mile hike tomorrow is not this bad.  I have to say though that the views are to die for and make up for all the uphill battles!  Looking out over the ocean the water is crystal clear and a brilliant blue and is accentuated by sheering high cliffs.

When I arrived at the campground I chose the far site that was under a tree and went about setting up my tent.  Then I started to boil some water to add to my re-hydrated meal of Chana Masala.  I seemed to sit there forever waiting for the water to boil and when it finally was at a boil I poured it into the bag, stirred it and then closed the bag to let it sit for fifteen minutes.  During that time, I walked around and the couple had now joined me at the campground.  They sat down at a picnic table near me and the woman remarked that she was not expecting such steep terrain and I completely agreed with her and we both hoped tomorrows hike wouldn’t be so tough.

With my meal cooked I sat there eating it and rereading the label on it at least twenty times out of boredom.  After only a few bites I was full but forced myself to eat at least half of it so that I would have the energy needed for tomorrow and the meal itself was delicious.  I then sealed up the rest and placed it in my pack and put my pack in the “fox” proof box.  It was only around 14:00 but I was completely bored and discovered that I do not do well being bored.  Next time I will for sure deal with the extra weight and bring a book and my journal.  There was nowhere nearby that I really could hike to so at 15:00 I crawled into my tent and lay on my thermarest mattress.  I then proceeded to put on every article of clothing I had with me since I did not have a sleeping bag and knew that I would be cold tonight and probably not sleep well. 

With all my clothes on me I did wake up throughout the night freezing cold and uncomfortable for normally I would put my extra clothes under my head to act as a pillow.  I spent the majority of the night on my stomach for I was the warmest in that position.  The only reason I continued on this trip knowing I did not have a sleeping bag is because I knew it wouldn’t get to the point where it would be so cold that it would harm me in any way; it would just be uncomfortable.  In my opinion I could sacrifice  the comfort of luxuries to enjoy this adventure I may never be able to experience again and I was not about to let something so small as having no sleeping bag prevent me from going on this adventure. 


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