September 6, 2017 Day 90
I wish today would not have come. I was groggy from drinking last night and was in desperate need of some crappy food but what I dreaded the most was that I had no clue, yet again, where I was going or what I was doing today. I drove towards the coast to Carlsbad but couldn't figure out where to park my camper and I needed fuel so I drove away and hit up a gas station. Gas prices are now over $3.00!
From the gas station I drove north towards San Clementine, again with no set destination in mind expect knowing I wanted to find a beach to just lay out on. It was only about a half hour drive and when I arrived the state park I was thinking of going to did not have parking for larger vehicle. At this point, I was becoming quite discouraged with California so I drove to a nasty Carls Jr. fast food place to order a burger which made my stomach feel good but I did not for I do not like having fast food. It was there, in the parking lot, I decided to try one more state park known as San Onofre.
Pulling in I had to pay an outrageous $15.00 to get in just to sit at the beach but I had nowhere else to really go and I was done with driving around. I found a spot under some shade in which I could park and changed into my bathing suit. I do love seeing everyone riding around on their bikes with surfboards and everyone is either in a wet suit or swimming attire. Though I was glad to finally have made it to the West Coast and to be on a beach it only made me miss the beaches in South Carolina. I spent the rest of the morning watching the surfers and enjoyed how one could tell which ones knew what they were doing and which ones were still learning. Looking down at my phone I realized that it was just going on noon though it felt like I had been there forever! I called my mom up to pass some time and we spoke about family back home and when our conversation had ended I decided I would take a nap.
The nap didn't go so well for I was sweating profusely in my little sweat box but at some point I must have had fallen asleep for before I knew it an hour or two had passed. When I walked back to the little beach area it was now around 15:00 and the sun was just starting to get lower in the sky. All day there had been a strong breeze that sent goosebumps on my bare legs but I relished sitting in the sand and looking out over the water. It seemed like it had been such a long time since I had been near water and a part of me did not want to leave it and go to death valley. Though the weather around me was perfect and the landscape was beautiful all day, along with the past few days, I have been feeling off and just not myself. It is hard to explain, but I need to get my groove back and start eating healthy again and focusing on me. I hate how I currently feel and as long as I sat on that beach the feeling never dissipated.
With the sun fading in the sky and the temperature now dropping to a point where I was cold. only because I had some sun, I decided it was time to leave and find somewhere to settle for the evening. With no camping nearby I ended up driving nine miles back south to a rest area to sleep for free for a night. When I arrived the place was dark and somewhat sketchy but I had really no where else to go. Inside my camper, with the door locked I attempted to catch up with my blog but I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. I think the sun and the stress lately has worn me out so I just called it a night.
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