As I said yesterday I was up by 02:00 am and could not get back to sleep for I was so cold and uncomfortable. I decided to say the hell with it and just get up and stepping out of my tent into the darkness I started to boil some water to make my oatmeal and coffee. I then took my oatmeal and coffee and brought it into my tent where I sat there eating it where I was out of the wind. I then walked to the porta-potty without the aid of a flashlight for the moon and stars were out and casting enough light that I could easily see where I was walking. At 05:00 am I had all I could take with sitting in my tent staring off into a void so I started packing everything up. I thought I was making so much noise and would wake the people up around me for it was so quite out and every move I made sounded like a shard of thunder going off.
In any case, I was packed and off on the trail by 06:00 climbing up to Cavern Point to see the sun finish its ascent into the sky; which provided a beautiful view of the ocean and the other islands. From there I hiked west on the North Bluff trail which reminded me of walking on the dirt roads next to wheat fields back home for the grass had the same color and texture. The hike itself was not that interesting but it was peaceful to be out there in the early morning with no one else around. When I had descended down to Scorpion Beach it was only around 09:00 and I had hiked approximately six miles. I was going to see how much renting a kayak or a snorkel and mask would be but they were not yet open. Once they did open I found out it was $13.00 for a mask and snorkel and then I realized I did not bring my credit card with me so it didn't matter anyways.
Needless to say I was utterly bored all day long for I was not about to go on another seven mile hike. I spent the time until the boat would come sitting on the beach and staring at the water. By 11:00, I couldn't stand it so I went and ate the last of my oatmeal and thus the last of my food. Until 15:00, I spent the time walking around, trying to nap on the beach but failing and walking in the water wishing I had brought my card so I could go on a kayak trip. Finally, the Island Packer showed up and the next hour was spent loading everything up.
The boat ride back was enjoyable and we came across a large pod of common dolphins hunting along with some sea lions. Throughout the ride, I was starving and couldn't stop thinking about going to an In N Out and feasting on some unhealthy food. We pulled into the marina ten minutes after five and unfortunately the visitor center was closed so I was not able to acquire my sticker or stamp. As soon as I had service I texted Sal to let him know I was back on the mainland and I also messaged everyone else who had left messages of various sorts on my phone. When I got to my vehicle I called my mom to tell her I had made it back and to inform her of how everything went.
Pulling out of the marina I headed straight to an In N Out and ordered a double cheeseburger with fries and devoured it all while looking for somewhere to camp for the night where I could hopefully set up my shower. After eating, I headed in the direction of Death Valley National Park where there seemed to be multiple sites for free camping. However; along the way my plans were altered in a way I did not want.
Almost out of the town of Fillmore, at around 20:00, my spring shackle on the drivers side of my trailer decided it wanted to break on me. What is it with everything occurring at night when everything is closed? Well its safe to say I was cursing up a storm but although I acted really upset I wasn't really that frustrated I just kind of accepted it. I noticed that it had broken when I looked in one of my mirrors and saw that my camper was no longer directly behind me but was at an angle. I pulled over on the side of a really busy highway to inspect the damage and that is when I realized what had happened and that my tire was almost at the point of popping for it was rubbing on a bolt. I immediately called up my parents to tell them what happened and then I tried to call a few places but no one answered which I had figured would happen. I then skyped with my dad in Wisconsin to show him the damage and verify that it was indeed a broken spring shackle. All during this situation, Sal had texted me to see if I was okay and then Luke called me to check on me also. I have to say that I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life.
All of this texting, calling, and skyping was occurring at the same time so it was kind of frustrating to try to deal with all of it but I was thankful to have so many caring people. While I was skyping my dad one of the places had called me back so I quickly hung up with him to answer the phone. The guy couldn't help me but verified that the town I was in was a safe one and told me that if I could get my vehicle across the road I could park behind the Valerio gas station for the night. So once the traffic cleared out some I made my way across the highway, parked and called my parents back. We skyped one more time so I could crawl under my camper and my dad in Wisconsin could explain some things to me. I have the best parents a girl could ask for!
Once we said our goodbyes I prepped for the night and walked to the gas station to use the restroom and to buy a beer and twix bar. Then I sat inside my camper, drinking the flavorless beer and loving on my chocolate bar while writing in my journal. I called my mom back, again, for I had forgotten to wish them a happy anniversary. Afterwards, I tried to write some more but I was just way too exhausted, after being on an island and then dealing with my camper breaking, so I called it a night and crawled under the covers finally warm and comfortable.
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