Friday, September 22, 2017

Day 104

September 20, 2017                                                                                                    Day 104

I did not sleep well last night and was up for the majority of the morning for my friend was making so much noise.  Let us just say that the morning did not go well at all but I did have some good coffee for I had ground the beans last night and I was able to put creamer in my coffee which I haven't had in quite some time.  With a couple of cups of coffee in my system I took a quick shower, packed up my stuff and then we left the place we were at.  We said a quick good bye at my vehicle and then finally I was alone and able to relax.  I was so stressed out the last couple days that my hair has started falling out again which it has not done since I was back in South Carolina.  It will be nice to be able to be alone again for at least a month..hopefully longer.

Leaving the place I was at I drove back up to the park and dropped my trailer back off where it was the other day at the Potwasha overflow parking. Driving on the winding, mountain road with the sun coming up from behind the mountains was beautiful and peaceful.  The morning was cold and had the crisp fall smell to it.  Since my hiking pants were quite dirty I put on my hiking shorts, chacos and my jacket. I was standing outside in the crisp morning air wondering how winter would be in my camper and that maybe I should have some winter gear sent to me.

My first stop along the scenic road was Hospital Rock where there was supposed to be a trail to a cascade but I couldn't find it and to be honest I didn't invest too much effort into looking for it.  I ended up getting back in my vehicle and driving to Moro Rock where I got out and hiked up to the top which provided a beautiful 360 degree view of the surrounding area.  I was intrigued to read that large parts of this rock will randomly fall off and down the mountain side which made me wonder when that would happen next.

Back down on the forests floor I walked thru the woods back to my vehicle where I climbed inside a dead sequoia tree thru a small hole that I had to get on all fours to get thru.  There I stood inside of a sequoia which in itself blew my mind.  I continued following the road to hit up the tunnel log and stopping every few feet to take pictures of these amazing trees for I could not get over how huge they were and that something can grow so large.

So...haha where to begin with this.  Well while I was out on a walk, not even 0.3 miles from the parking lot, looking for birds and trying to catch a good view of a stellar s jay so I could snap a picture I was almost attacked.  I was just walking on the trail looking up for birds and I noticed a man up a head but didn't pay him any attention for people were all around me.  As I was on the point of a U-shaped bend in the walk a black bear rose up from the grass on my left and looked right at me! It was not even an arms reach from me and if I had wanted to I could have petted the damn thing!  I thought I was a goner for I was directly across the bear and pretty much if it wanted to attack I would be done in a matter of seconds.  It didn't matter which way I went so I just slowly continued on my way and turned around to walk backwards up to the man.  I now know I handle those situations very well and as soon as I was a distance away I started taking pictures but of course my good camera would die at that point.  When I reached this guy he told me he was like, "I wonder if she sees the bear?" I'm sorry but I feel like he should have informed me that there was a huge predator right in front of me!  Though I did not freak during the entire encounter my legs were shaking and it did scare me.

 After that wonderful experience, I slowly made my up to the Giant Forest Museum where I looked around at the exhibits and did some more walking among these amazing giants.   Leaving the museum I then went to see the General Sherman Tree where I saw the same guy from earlier during my bear encounter.  All in all my day went quite well and seeing the sequoias is very quite humbling in my opinion.  Though I wish the experience with my friend would have went differently or at least have ended on a good note I think my trip to Sequoia National Park went quite well and I was able to recover the trip at the end.  As I drove back down the mountain I was happy I was able to see the sequoias my older brother had always talked about.

When I reached my camper and hooked up I was starving and feeling a tad sick so I made myself some oatmeal and stopped at the visitor center on the way out to get a sticker.  As soon as I received cell service I pulled over and messaged a friend of mine and called my mom up to let her know what I was thinking of doing from here. After we both contemplated over my choices I decided to head back to the Loves Truck stop I was at before so that I could use the cell service to catch up with my blog and plan the next leg of my trip. It was only an hour drive from where I was currently at and when I pulled in I called my mom back and walked into the Subway to devour an entire foot long sub.  I wanted to go to a Walmart to buy lunch meat but the one closest to me did not have a deli and I didn't want to drive anywhere else today.

After I devoured that sub I then sat in my camper with my computer looking up Yosemite National Park and watching videos and reading information on the Half Dome hike.  I really want to do it but I am thinking that although I have been back packing and hiking long distances my cardio is not where I want it to be so hiking Half Dome may just be too much for me right now.  But I will assess it when I get to the park and decide what other hikes I might do instead.  I did not last long being on the computer though for I was tired and passed out quite quickly.


Standing inside a tree looking up




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