Friday, September 1, 2017

Day 82

August 29, 2017                                                                                                                  Day 82

Waking up was difficult this morning for I had tossed and turned all night not able to fall asleep.  Yesterday, I had already decided I was not going to do anything today in lieu of hiking and would take the day to rest.  Since the sun was just beginning to rise I got out of my camper and made some coffee.  I then decided to crawl back into bed for it was cold out and I had tried to lay in my hammock but could not get comfortable nor warm.   In the camper, I got my computer out and watched a show I have now memorized I have watched it so many times.  It is a BBC show called North & South, to me its a classic and I love that old time love; especially, since I am a hopeless romantic.

While I was watching it I noticed an old man was standing outside my camper looking at my camper for I had seen him thru my galley window.  I opened up camper door and stepped outside to speak with him for a few minutes.  When him and his friend left I did the dishes and then climbed back inside to finish my show.  When it ended, I updated my Excel sheets and sent out a few emails while messaging a friend of mine.

All day I have been feeling off and I just don't know why for it is the first time on my trip that I have not been feeling up to par. I had the rest of my pasta for breakfast, then had a few spoonfuls of peanut butter, trail mix and then for supper I made some oatmeal but only ate about two bites before getting rid of that.  At this point, I called up my grandma in Wisconsin and we spoke for awhile about what everyone is doing back home and what is going on with her. When we hung up I crawled back into bed, around 15:00, to watch a movie and go to bed since I was feeling like crap.  Finally, Wonder Woman was on Vudu to buy so I purchased it since I have been waiting and waiting to see it! During the movie, it kept kicking me out for some reason but I watched it none the less and it was a great movie.  When it ended I was exhausted and passed out within a few minutes.

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