At 06:15, I woke feeling quite drowsy, I called my mom and ended up leaving her a message for her birthday. I pulled out my headphones and plugged them into my phone to wake myself up with some music while making some hot tea. If there was anyone around me they would have had quite the show for I was just dancing around my camper as I waited for the tea to get done. Once my tea was done brewing, around 07:30, I hopped in my vehicle and drove down the mountain.
The drive back down to the valley was relaxing and I enjoyed it via listening to country music and looking out my window at the magnificent views. My GPS was set to take me to the nearest post office so I could drop off a letter to my grandmother and a few post cards. By now it was after 08:00 and already 84 degrees out. Next, I had decided to get an oil change so I made some phone calls and the first place I called wanted to charge me over $70.00! The second place, said it would only cost $30.00 and was two minutes away from me so I went there. I sat inside the office for about an hour waiting for them to be done. I did find it odd that they had me back up my camper by myself and unhook it from my vehicle and then park my vehicle somewhere else. I don't mind backing up my camper in the slightest its just usually when I take is somewhere they do it all themselves. Another thing I have noticed is that when I go in to get an oil change I also ask them to check my trailer tire hubs and they seem completely confused by it. I would check them myself; however, I have not been able to get the caps off myself so I just figured it would be easier to have them look at it. The first place I went to told me all I had to do was touch the hub to feel if it was hot and if so then they need to be repacked?? That makes no sense for of course my tires and hubs will be hot if its over 100 degrees out and I have been driving around for hours. The second place, told me that to check them all I have to do is press on the tire and I will be able to "feel" it. HaHa. I tell you these people are losing their minds. All I need them to do is take the cap off and make sure the grease is still good and that there is still grease in there. I didn't know I was asking something so difficult!
When they were finally done I had to hook my camper back up and then I got really pissed for I found out they had went thru my display and cleared my trip mileage! I was so irritated for I had two trips on my display and the one they cleared was the one that was recording the mileage for my entire trip. After a few deep breaths I had to tell myself to not let this get to me for there is nothing I can do about it now. It is over and done with and I just have to move on and get on with my day.
From there I drove to the Saguaro National Park and walked into the visitor center to acquire a sticker, get a stamp for my passport book and ask someone there about hiking trails. I spoke to a very lovely older woman who had hiked all the trails in the area and was actually enthusiastic about telling me what one she suggest I do. Normally, when I go into the visitor centers and ask the people about trails they don't really care and just ramble off some trails. Not her though! Since it was already 102 degrees out I was not going to do any actual hiking today for I prefer to not pass out from the heat. Instead, I filled up all my water bottles and set out on the eight mile scenic drive thru the park. It was a pretty cool drive, although not mind blowing, and I enjoyed seeing the saguaro cacti and how all the plants in this environment tend to have thorns and that there are actually quite a variety of plants. I stopped along the drive and took a couple pictures and did two short treks which was plenty enough. Every time I stepped out of my vehicle I found it difficult to breath for the heat was so suffocating and I have discovered quickly that temperatures 100 degrees or greater or not for me.
Back at the visitor center, I met a couple that liked my camper and so I showed them around and let the woman take pictures of it. They were a really nice couple and gave me their information in case I ever go back to New Mexico where they live. From there I decided I wanted to eat some "real" food (which really means anything but pasta, trail mix or rice) and so I drove to a five guys burger joint. There I devoured an entire, juicy thick cheeseburger with onions and jalapeno peppers along with a large amount of french fries. Can one say a food coma! It was only about 15:00 yet I did not know what else to really do in this heat. I did know that I did not want to sleep in this heat so at that point I decided to drive an hour back up the mountain to where I had stayed the last couple nights. Within that hour drive the temperature dropped from 102 to 73 degrees.
Parked in the same location. I was previously at, I did not know what to do with the rest of the day. A huge part of me wanted to open the bottle of wine I have and drink that to cope with all the emotional people in my life currently. But the moment didn't feel right and I was saving it for that particular moment. Instead I threw my headphones in and listened to Demi Lovatos' Sorry not sorry and a few other tunes to distract me from all my thoughts. Some time later, my mom called me back and I wished her a happy birthday and asked her how her day went. I was relieved to hear that she had a good day and that dad made her some steaks for dinner and that she also had cake and flowers! After we hung up, I wrote in my journal, listened to some more music and then worked and cleaned my gun some before going to bed. I find handling my gun to be a very relaxing task and afterwards I was able to go to bed.
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