Thursday, September 21, 2017



This blog entry is dedicated to my mom for I wanted to verify some things that I have said over the last couple days that may have had her thinking that I do not appreciate her calling and worrying about me.  I want to start off saying that I apologize if anything I say in my blog is taken the wrong way; many times what I enter comes off in a different way then what I am trying to express and if that does ever occur please let yourself be heard and I will tell you whether you read into it wrongly or if that was exactly what I mean.  Now let us get down to you mom.

First, I want to apologize if anything I wrote came off as me complaining about how much you call me.  I will admit that since I have entered the state of California you do seem to be a lot more stressed out and worried about me then when I was in other states.   At times I may get “bothered” (that’s not quite the word I am looking for but all I could come up with right now) by how many times you call me in a day or that you want me to call every time I stop somewhere.  If I am to be completely honest, I may complain about it at the time but in reality I truly enjoy it and would not want you to act any differently.  There are many people out there who either do not have mothers or their mothers are not a part of their day to day life.  I on the other hand am blessed to have a mom who cares so deeply about me that she wants to make sure that I okay every single day and that I have everything I could possibly need.  I know that all you want is for me to be happy and safe. 

Sometimes when I am really stressed out or sad I try to keep it to myself for I know that when I inform you of my struggles you take on that stress as if it was your own.  In my entire life I will NEVER find anyone who can even come close to loving me as much as you do.  I may not tell you all the time but you are what keeps me together each and every day and you are what makes me strong enough to do this journey.   If I had any other mom besides you I do not believe that I would be able to see this journey thru to the end.  You are always the first person that I call when I need someone to talk to or when I need an opinion on something.  You have brought me up to be a strong, independent woman who faces every challenge head on and you have always been there to pull me back up when I get thrown down.

Mom, you have been thru so much in raising all three of us kids and you continue to raise us and be our support system.  My older brother has turned into a successful man who has been blessed with a beautiful wife, two amazing daughters and a stable home.  He is a man who knows what hard work is and that if one wants something in this world that one must go out and seize it.  He is also a passionate man and puts others above himself more times than not and is quick to give a helping hand to others.  Those qualities among many others he acquired by being brought up by you.  My younger brother is already one of the hardest working teenagers I know.  While most kids are out getting in trouble or thinking about where the next party is at he is at work making is own money so he can buy the things he wants in life.  He already knows what he wants to go to college for and on top of that, on his own, has already picked out a college that he wants to attend after high school!  You are the one who has instilled this work ethic that he has and you are the one who is raising him to a polite and caring young man.  As for me…well where did you go wrong?? HaHa; just kidding.  If it wasn’t for you being there every step of the way and pushing me to not give up I don’t know if I would have graduated from college and have had all the amazing opportunities that I have had.  

You have raised, in my opinion, three amazing people who I know without a doubt wouldn’t be where we all are today without you.  You went from being a single mother to a loving wife who has worked hard every single day of your life to provide for us.  You never once showed any weakness and you dealt with all your emotions behind closed doors so that all we saw was your strength and you resolved to make sure we were never in need of anything.  We were never spoiled as kids but you also never deprived us of any experiences and for that we grew up knowing rewards and sacrifices.   You taught us to work hard for what we wanted and you pushed us to expand our interests and talents.

I could literally go on and on and this in no way even expresses what you truly mean to me and what you have done for us; for there are just no words to explain what you mean to all of us.  So to end my ramblings I will conclude with this.  Since you have dealt with raising all three of us kids then I can easily handle a few extra phone calls and/or skype sessions.  Hell, if you truly want you can call me every hour and I will gladly answer that phone and talk to you for however long you wish: it is the least I can do.  You are above all else my mom and for you I would do absolutely anything.  So please, never for a second think that you are bothering me and please call me as often as you like.  I will always love you more than anyone on this Earth. 

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. You truly did raise amazing kids. Kuddos to you Shannon!!! We do ALL appreciate you and love you.
