Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 20

June 28, 2017                                                                                                                     Day 20

This morning I laid in bed until about 09:00 and then it started getting too warm within the camper.  Out and about I spend the better half of the morning and afternoon trying to plan places to stay at until July 4th.  By 14:00 I had to be out of my campsite so I took a shower and packed up camp.

Earlier this morning, I had made dinner plans with someone I met the other night and so I just hung out in the park until 17:00.  I got ready for dinner inside my vehicle and then headed out to pick my friend up.  We ended up having dinner at Don Dario's and spent the better part of the evening talking and eating.  When dinner ended, he said I could stop by the RV park they were at so that I could do some laundry which desperately needed to be done.

When I had entered the RV Park I hit a huge pot hole where the cement ended and when my laundry was done I went back out to assess the damage.  After snapping a few pictures and emailing them to my dad in Wisconsin he noticed right away what was wrong and it was not good.  Apparently, I completely snapped the spring shackle when I hit the hole and to fix it it needed to be welded back together. At this point, no one was open so I would have to camp out in the parking lot until morning when welding shops were open.  Since it was so bad there was no way I could drive it anywhere either so someone would have to come to me which would mean more money.

Oddly enough, ever since I started this journey when things go bad, like what just occurred, I no longer get upset and angry like I used to do.  I am strangely very calm about it and am like there is nothing I can do; what happens happens and I just have to deal with it.  It reminds me that this journey I am on is worth it and I am starting to become the person I once was which makes me happy. Without the stress of working two jobs and people putting me down all the time I have become relaxed and more accepting of the things that take place around me.  I used to come home every day dreading the morning to come for it just meant another day of work, stress and unhappiness.  Now, I go to bed content and exhilarated by the possibilities of the morning to come.


Day 19

June 27, 2017                                                                                                             Day 19

Last night I had come up with some sort of a plan and so this morning I woke up at 05:30.  The plan was to drive to Balton Springs Park while it was free to get in and go swimming and shower.  Upon arriving; however, it was already busy and there was no where to park my camper.  So I drove to another Walmart to call the McKinney Falls State Park near Austin, TX.   After calling them a million times someone finally answered the phone and informed me they do have some sites available for $26.00/night.  With that information I drove to McKinney Falls State Park and waited an additional 30 minutes to get my site.

I proceeded to unhook my camper and informed my family of where I was located.  At this point, I was quite hunger so I reheated my rice and beans from a few nights ago and looked for a post office in San Antonio that I could have mail delivered to.  During this process I received a phone call from my best friend, Stacie, and we talked for about an hour.  It was nice hearing her voice and being able to talk to someone who wasn't a family member but knew me just as well.

After our conversation ended I proceeded to attempt to make myself look something like a woman.  For the longest time I contemplated whether to get an Uber or pay for a parking spot downtown and in the end I decided to just drive by the two places I was planning on going to tonight to see what the area it was like.  It turned out that Saxon Pub had a parking lot so I continued to Half Step which I found out had a parking area for $7.00 for four hours.  So I paid my parking and walked a block or so to Half Step.

I had heard of Half Step via a show on TV where two men travel to different cities to find the best bars.  Walking into the cocktail lounge there was only one group who were sitting down.  Granted it was 16:00 and they had literally just opened up for the evening.  I went to the bar and had the bartender make a cocktail with tequila. That one drink was a knockout!  It tasted so delicious and was very strong, especially, for someone who barely drinks anymore.  I paid for me drink and took a seat in a booth to use the internet once again to find things to do.  When my drink was finished I still had  over an hour and a half to kill so I decided one more drink wouldn't hurt.  At this point, I was the only person in the place besides the bartender.  This time he concocted a bourbon drink which was just as heavenly as the first.  The rest of the time I was there was spent talking to the bartender on a variety of topics.  Come to find out he is from the West Coast and made me a list of things that are a must see and do in the area.

When it came time for me to head over to Saxon Pub to listen to Joe Taylor we swapped numbers and planned to meet up Saturday on his day off.  I want to mention that the entire time I was there he made sure my water glass was always full and I had everything I needed.  Out of the three drinks I had I only had to pay for two of them.  He was a wonderful bartender and person and I highly recommend that if anyone is in Austin they hit up Half Step!

Arriving at Saxon Pub, I ordered two meatballs with mozzarella from a food truck out front since I had yet to eat anything since my rice and beans earlier this morning.  Inside, I paid the coverage charge and situated myself at the bar with my meatballs and a beer.  The two women who were singing on stage were amazing and although Joe Taylor was supposed to play at 20:00 they were moved to 22:00.  Joe Taylor was absolutely amazing to listen to and was  perfect ending to a great night out on the town!  Like Cinderella, by midnight, I was back at my campsite and snuggled up in my camper.

Day 18

June 26, 2017                                                                                                                  Day 18

Waking up at the same time I usually do the young calves were by my camper.  I had to yell at them for they were licking my camper; finally, the same two adult females from yesterday came by and talked some since into the young-ens.  Since I wasn't going to shower this morning I headed into Decatur, TX to find a Starbucks so that I could have coffee and use their internet.  When I arrived, I had an extra shot of espresso put into my coffee like I always have had in the past and a delicious raspberry cake.

Unfortunately, trying to find somewhere to stay proved impossible for there was no free camping anywhere.  Sitting there I was absolutely freezing! At one point I got up and ran to my vehicle for a sweater and I was still so cold.  I finally said enough was enough and went and sat in my vehicle.  There I updated my blogs and after giving up on finding anywhere to stay I settled on going to Colorado Bend State Park to hike to Gorman Falls.  Arriving at the state park I was literally shaking from the amount of caffeine I had.  It never dawned on me when I ordered the double shot of espresso that I haven't had caffeine in quite some time and it might affect me.  Needless to say I had a lot of energy for the 3 mile hike ahead of me.

Afterwards, I drove to Marble Falls, TX and camped within a Walmart parking lot.  Sitting in my camper I found out that all the places I had wanted to visit in Texas (Hamilton Pool, Jacobs Well, etc.) one needed a reservation and to pay just to swim.  So far Texas has not been kind to  me in the slightest.

Day 17

June 25, 2017                                                                                                         Day 17

When I woke up today I decided that I was going to spend the day here and another night; especially, since it was free.  Looking out my window I saw cows everywhere which I figured I would eventually be seeing since they were free ranging in this area.  I spent almost the entire day reading a novel my friend Jonathon had lent me before I left for my trip. I also read out of my Nikon D3400 dummies book.  Where I am situated, there is a lovely breeze so while sitting in my camp chair reading I was never hot and that was such a relief.  It was beyond relaxing to be sitting there reading with the cows munching on the grass nearby.

Day 16

June 24, 2017                                                                                                             Day 16

The Heavens opened up this morning around 01:00 and unleashed a god fearing storm.  At first one could hear the thunder off in the distance and see the lightening light up my camper.  The wind was roaring outside my window and it was relaxing.  Then it all changed.  All of a sudden I felt like I was right in the eye of the storm.  The thunder was rattling my camper, it was like daylight inside the lightening was so fierce and the rain sounded like hail pounding down on my camper trying to get inside.  For over an hour there was never a single minute of silence and I worried that maybe I was experiencing a tornado.  It was precisely how storms are portrayed in the old western movies. Due to the openness of the land I could continue to hear the storm as it moved away for an additional hour.

When I woke up, around 07:00, it was still raining outside so I took this time to open up my computer and start a word document to catch up on my blogs.  Then in a fluster, it dawned on me that it was Saturday and the Post Office is not open all day!  Due to having no service to use the internet I called my mom and had her look up the Post Offices' information in which I had her send me mail.  It was at this time 11:30 and the office closed at 12:00.  In a mad panic, I called the office while I jumped in my vehicle in my pj's and asked if my mail had arrived. True to form I lost service and when I was able to call them back I was told that my mail is indeed there.  I then asked ever so politely if there was literally any possible way I could still get my mail today although it will be after 12:00 when I would arrive.  The gentleman there was very polite and said he would stay later and that I could just meet him in the back to pick it up!

I would like to interject and say that the roads in Oklahoma have no rhyme or reason and it also seems like there are no rules.  Half of the roads do not have lines for the lanes but then all of a sudden they appear.  The roads also just seem to randomly split off into multiple directions.  Exits do not have numbers just a turn sign and counties are called nations.  At intersections, there is a delayed green light so everyone sits around for a minute or so apparently waiting for ghosts to pass by.

Anyways, back at camp I organized and cleaned up my vehicle and camper.  Then after a shower I was gone by 15:00 to literally go sit at a gas station to use the internet and figure out where I was to go.  Finding free camp sites has turned into quite a challenge and my cell service in Oklahoma is spotty at best.  So without a plan, I decided to just drive to Witchita Falls, TX and figure it out from there.  When I was close, with my moms assistance, I was able to find some camping within the USFS that would cost $4.00.  By 20:00 I was parked at the location which turned out to be free and crawled into bed for the night.

I would like to mention that all day my mom was on the computer trying to help me find a place to camp or stay at for the night.  She is literally such an amazing woman and who knows how I would have survived this long without her!

Day 15

June 23, 2017                                                                                                                    Day 15

I woke up today with the sun peeking through the trees and complete silence.  Opening my door, I was greeted with the song of birds and the lush grass of the field I was in.  After my normal morning routine I headed to Glass or Gloss Mountain.  Apparently, back when the mountain was named some guy mistook the “a” in Glass for an “o” and to this day it is still debated on what the actual name of the mountain should be.  In either case, it received its' name due to the “sparkling” appearance the mountain throws off when the sun hits the crystals that are embedded in the rocks.   It is definitely I sight to see towering over the flat expanse of the countryside.

Stepping out of my vehicle my shoes landed on hard red earth causing little puffs of dirt to drift up. Loaded down with my water pack and my Nikon camera I headed for the trail.  It was a short but steep jaunt up the mountain.  To try and describe the beauty that befell my eyes would be impossible.  It is something one must see and experience for themselves.  For me, I felt pure upholstered joy and wonder and could not believe that I have been given the opportunity to see this.  After taking about a million pictures I hiked back down and got in my vehicle to head to the Wichita Wildlife Refuge.

Back on the road, I was relaxed and at that point in time truly happy and thankful.  It was only 80 degrees and I had the window rolled down with the cool breeze blowing against my skin while I listened to Today's Comedy on Pandora and then to the country station when I lost service.   I arrived at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge and once again was taken aback by the raw beauty of the landscape. The array of colors within the landscape reminded me of a painting. The landscaped was a painted with yellows, greens, purples and reds.  The mountains beyond were a brilliant orange, red, purple and blue color.  Once again, there is no way to describe the beauty that bestowed my eyes.  

With that said I will just talk about what I did while there.  First, I stopped at the visitor center and looked around at their displays and then I bought a sticker and some post cards.  Afterwards, I headed to Mt. Scot and decided what the heck I should totally drive my vehicle and camper up a mountain! Why? I don't know.  I honestly couldn't explain half the things that I think I can do but probably shouldn't.  The drive went without incident; yet, ever since I had an ATV accident many years ago when I get to a certain incline whether I am inside a vehicle or on it I panic.  I'm not afraid of heights and love being high up but for some reason when I get to a certain degree it's like all common sense disappears and all I see is me tumbling down to my death.  Needless to say I had a death grip on the steering wheel and didn't breathe until I reached the top.

Back on flat ground I saw longhorns, bison, scissor-tailed flycatchers, meadow larks, and my first ever eastern collard lizard! At 14:00 the dilemma of finding a camping site began.  When I finally found service I called and found free camping within the Great Plains State Park.  The roads upon which the free camping was located were horrendous.  My camper should never have made it down those roads and I am pretty sure I was slowly breaking my camper.  When I finally arrived at one of the locations and began setting up I just had a horrible feeling in my gut about staying there.  So taking my moms' advice I listened to my gut and left that area and headed back to Wichita Wildlife Refuge to pay for camping.  

It cost $10.00 to camp there for the night and there was no cell phone service so I could not try and figure out where I was to go the next day. Originally, I had planned to stay in one spot for the day to relax and plan but alas that was not in the cards for me.  All in all it was a great day and I got to see my first ever Greater Roadrunner!!!! 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Day 14

June 22, 2017                                                                                                                      Day 14

I woke up to rain on the mountain.  I find it curious that how it rains is different everywhere you go.  In the dry climates rain hits the Earth and dust billows up and it is soaked into the soil immediately.  In humid climates the rain seems to become part of the air you breathe and in the mountains the rain surrounds you and everything nearby and it is like you have become part of it.  It was in this rain that I made a protein shake and took off for the interstate to give my vehicle and my nerves a break from driving within the mountains. 

My drive lasted approximately six hours and my destination was the Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma.  The state of Oklahoma is quite unique and I would come to find out later astoundingly beautiful.  It is flat but yet not flat, hilly but yet not that either, I guess the best description I can give it at this time would be barren.  It was mostly covered in farmland and cows.  The few towns I drove through were not necessarily towns but mainly one street with buildings on either side most of which looked to be vacant of life.  Everyone I ran into wore large white cowboy hats, jeans, and button up shirts. On the highway, the roads, although two lanes were oddly wide and for the majority of the time I was the only vehicle in site.  Maybe it was the 98 degree weather that kept everyone inside?

I made it to the state park around 15:00 to find it just as desolate as everything else in this state.  After finding the hidden visitor center the gentleman there informed me that most people go the salt flats.  Which get this is not even within the park but back where I came from 15 minutes away!  I was not about to just leave and not do something after I drove all the way out here.  So I drove the 15 minutes back the way I came to go see the salt flats and dig for crystals.  The salt flats were just like people described; looking at snow in a desert.  It had a different kind of beauty about it one that I think is rarely seen or observed as being beautiful.  In a way it was like I was transported to another planet and although the temperature now reached 100 degrees with the wind that came off the flat, barren landscape it was refreshing and felt cooler than it actually was.  I parked my vehicle and with my UdigIt shovel I went a digging!  It was interesting to cut into the white crystal soil only to have the deep red be revealed.  Finally, I found a little tidbit of crystal which was good enough for me! Back at my camper I went to grab my keys and they were scorching hot! I had to actually use my shirt to touch the keys.

Day 13

June 21, 2017                                                                                                                      Day 13

This morning I woke up cold which was a shocker since I have been so hot lately.  Last night there were quite a few coyotes nearby which although eerie was soothing to hear.   Waiting until everything opens up at 09:00 is very difficult when you are up at 06:00 and really have nothing to do.  To pass the time I unhooked my camper and called my grandma.  While on the phone with here the police started rolling on in.  I don’t know if it’s a morning ritual here in Hot Springs for the local police to have  a convention before beginning work and just stand around and talk but either way it comforted me to know they were around and so was AJ while I left my camper all alone in this strange environment.  Leaving my camper almost felt like I was living a child behind haha.

Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and headed into town.  Since everything was still closed I drove up to mountain tower and stopped at one of the spring stations that are set up around town.  Apparently the spring I chose was a local hotspot according to the people there.  I ended up filling all my water bottles, my solar shower, and my 5 gallon jug with spring water!  From there I found a free parking garage and started walking around town ending up at the visitor center.  Leaving the center I had a plan though at the time I did not know that plan would kill me!  The lady at the center told me the hike I was about to undergo was 0.6 miles and very easy….HA yeah right.  Let’s just say me and this older woman would have to disagree.  I know I am out of mountain hiking shape but damn!  At first I was alone hiking up the impossible steep trail but then an older woman who was behind me caught up due to the fact that I stopped to assess if I was still breathing.  She asked me, “Are you having as much difficulty as I am?”  I laughed and joked that I must be dying, though, I was only half joking.   In the end we made it to the top and said our goodbyes.

Since I was not about to spend $5.00 to walk up hundreds of stairs I just bought a sticker and postcard.  I mean seriously, I have to pay you for me to walk up stairs and die in the process? I think not! Better luck on the next chum.  Back in town I stopped at the post office to drop off mail and buy more stamps.  I then decided I deserved to treat myself to an old-time bathhouse and the more I thought about it the more excited I became and realized that I have never been to a spa of any sort. Arriving at the Buckstate Bathhouse I paid my dues and was escorted up in an old time elevator to the second level.  There I was I shown a stall and locker and told to take off all my clothes.  Wait what!? I had worn a swimsuit thinking that I could just wear that and not be naked in front of strangers.  Apparently that is not how this place worked and I was not about to walk out.

The lady then wrapped in some sort of sheet/towel thing and told me to wait.  While I waited I took a glance in one of the mirrors and was shocked by who I saw.  I actually looked and felt like someone who does this all the time and for the first time in a long time I felt beautiful.  When my name was called a lady escorted me to the bathhouse section and oddly for never being naked in front of anyone, except for the men I have been with, it didn’t bother me like I thought it would.  Without going into too much detail the whole entire experience was relaxing and interesting to say the least.  At one point I was placed in the medieval contraption that was a metal box I sat in and only my head was visible and I sweated off 15 pounds.  All in all I could get used to going to a spa every day…now only if I could afford it.

I ran some errands and then headed back to camp. There I packed up and AJ came back over to make sure everything went okay last night, to see how my day went and to wish me luck in the future.  He also informed me about a good blackberry bush that I visited on my way out.   It was then off like a heard of turtles to my next destination: Haw Creek Falls.  In the end, I would not be staying there though since all the sites were full and with no service and running out of fuel and daylight I chugged along to try and find somewhere to call it a night.   With my handy map next to me I made it out of the mountains without the assistance of a cell phone.  Luckily, I came across a rest stop/look out and pulled in for the night.  There I emptied my 5 gallon gas can into my vehicle and began talking to a woman who pulled up in a van.  She started talking about crystals that she had in her van and all I could think was you probably shouldn’t be broadcasting that.  Haha.  After a second, I realized she was talking about the rock and not the drug. She offered me a crystal and we both hunkered in for the night.

Day 12

June 20, 2017                                                                                                                         Day 12

After a relaxing day yesterday the night itself was anything but.  Raccoons took on a dumpster near me which scared the crap out of me and woke me up.  When I tried to go back to sleep I had god awful nightmares.  I actually woke up scared thinking they were real and wishing I wasn’t alone and that Drayton was next me.  Needless to say I was up by 07:00 and very tired.

I packed up camp and made myself some coffee before I got on the road to Hot Springs, Arkansas. The six hour drive was not too bad but now I know why I was avoiding interstates earlier.  Though they are a faster route they are boring and I think more stressful.  One does not have the serene countryside to look at but instead a bustling of vehicles trying to race each other to some unknown destination.

Holy mountains! I was not prepared to come across mountains in Arkansas. For some reason I never thought there were mountains in this state which now that I think about is a ridiculous thought.  Also, every time I want to say Arkansas I think Arizona instead and have to stop myself and say, “No, you idiot you are in Arkansas NOT Arizona.”  My poor vehicle did not approve pulling my camper up those hills nor did it appreciate the small roads that ran thru Hot Springs. Therefore, I headed to my camping destination of Cedar Glades County Park.  Upon arriving I realized how huge the park was.  It had a rock wall, Frisbee golf area, over 10 miles of mountain biking trails, and a flying field for those people who are rich and buy those miniature toy airplanes.  Finding where I was supposed to camp was not happening and while I sat in my vehicle contemplating where the campsites may be a white truck pulled up alongside me.  Inside it was AJ, the man I spoke to on the phone that maintains the park, he was tall, lean, and tan exactly what one would picture when you mention mountain biking and Arizona/Arkansas.  He led me to where I can camp and we spoke for quite some time.  He was very informative and nice.

After I set up camp I went for a four mile hike.  Finally I have some terrain to work with and try to get back into shape on.  On the trail I came across a three-toed box turtle which I probably took too many pictures of.   Back at camp I showered, ate a can of crushed pineapple and began writing and updating this blog.  The last couple hours I was not feeling so good which I think may be attributed to the sandwich I ate.  At that point I had run out of ice and the meat and cheese had gotten warm but I ate it anyway and I think that is what made me sick.  So I made some tomato bisque to try to ease the pain and it worked.  I also called my dad in Wisconsin and spoke to him for quite some time.  He always seems to put me in such a great mood and I love when just him and I get to talk.

For those of you who may be confused I do have two fathers.  My dad in Florida is my biological dad and my dad in Wisconsin is my step-father.  I love them both equally and they both have been in my life ever since I can remember and have been a huge impact on who I am today as a person; so that is why I refer to both of them as my dad. 

Day 11

June 19, 2017                                                                                                                         Day 11

When I woke up at 06:00 I felt completely exhausted and the thought of driving some more today was just not in the cards.  I went back to bed and slept for another two hours at which point I called my dad in Wisconsin and told him I wasn’t driving to Arkansas today like I had planned.  He just laughed and said I can do whatever I want really so enjoy my day.  So that’s what I did. I went back to bed and slept until around 10:00 upon which I called my dad in Florida to wish him a Happy Birthday. 

Today I literally did nothing and let me tell you it was completely perfect!  I planned a little bit, read some of my dummy book on my Nikon camera, and started this blog.  It was exactly what I needed after being on the road and driving so much the other day.

Day 10

June 18, 2017                                                                                                                    Day 10

Today I woke up at the same time as I always do and as is my ritual began packing up camp.  I did make some hot herbal tea which hit the spot and did some exercises.  After a quick cold shower and a few birthday phone calls I was off to Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Along the way I stopped at multiple places until I finally found one that sold postcards.  Everyone keeps telling me that I need to collect mementos from each state but I cannot honestly think of what I need 50 of.  My older brother collects shot glasses and though I like shot glasses do I really need 50 of them?  I also don’t need 50 koozies, or 50 key-chains, or 50 picture frames.  In the end, after talking with my mom, I settled on 50 postcards more so just to tell everyone that yes I am collecting something from every state.  Though in my mind what I am collecting are memories that will last a lifetime and an adventure I will never forget. 

I arrived at the Vicksburg National Military Park at noon and was told the driving park should take around 1.5 to 2 hours.  Well I don’t know who the hell they were trying to fool with that I was there for 2 hours and was still not even halfway done with the driving tour!  It wasn’t like I was taking my sweet time and listening to everything on the cell phone tour or reading all the 1400 monuments that were there. The park itself was rich in history and I was shocked at how “hilly” the terrain was. Near the beginning of the drive there was a dome shaped building made out of marble called the Illinois Memorial.  Walking up the 47 steps that represent each day of the siege of Vicksburg I thought a recording of a woman singing the star bangled banner was playing but in reality there was truly a woman singing inside the dome.  The building had great acoustics but her voice was absolutely divine.

At the next stop I pulled in to a black man (no I am not being racist but how else to describe someone for it they guy had pink skin I would say “to a pink man”) asking if I minded if he asked me a question.  I said of course not and he replied; “now where can I find me one of those?” He was gesturing to my camper and I explained to him that it was home built but you can also buy pre-built ones.  Needless to say that yet again I spoke with this man for about 20 minutes.  We talked about how he is spending five years writing a book about his family and the history of the area.  At one point he whipped out his harmonica and played me a blues tune!  I almost asked him to play me a full song it was so good.  In the end he gave me his card and told me to send him an email and when he is finished with the book I will get a signed copy.   He also told me that I am going to be in his acknowledgement section of the book for saving him money by giving him the idea to build a teardrop camper himself and safe on hotel costs.  You know I’m just like Mother Teresa helping people everywhere I go HAHAHA; just kidding folks.

All in all the drive was decent due to the rich history but in the end it was mostly just looking at monuments.  I cut it short and drove to Natchez Trace Parkway which is a beautiful road with many historical stops along the way.  The only one I stopped at was Cypress Swamp which was a short jaunt through the woods. I then headed to Jeff Busby campground for some free camping.  It was a beautiful area and after parking and setting up I called my parents and Skyped them for some time.  I then ate some pasta and crashed.

Day 9

June 17, 2017                                                                                                                      Day 9                                                                                                                                                    
A second decent night’s sleep behind me I stepped out of my camper to the sight of another teardrop camper!  It was one of those fancy ones you buy with the big off road tires and awning and the whole nine yards.  Though I would never be able to afford one of those I prefer my own home-built camper for it has character and there is not another like it out there.

While waiting for the center to open I planned my day and then remembered that the other day someone had told me my vehicle brake lights were not working.  I called up my dad (Roger) and talked with him about it but before I could begin tackling the situation it was 08:30 and the center was open so I wanted to get in there real quick.  Come to find out the lady I spoke to the day before who told me they had all the information I was looking for was not correct.  For they only had one map which had information I had already found on the internet.  In either case I was not upset for I met some great people yesterday in the parking lot and the welcome center itself was very unique.  The inside was filled with old time photos of men fishing and hunting alligators in the bayou.  Then to top it all off there was one of those displays you see everywhere with taxidermy animals in a “real” environment. What made it amazing was they had it so the alligator snapping turtle, raccoon, and alligators mouths moved to how one would think people in Louisiana spoke.  If you ever say the kids movie “The Goofy Movie” where Goofy takes his son from college and they stop at a roadside attraction with the possums talking it was just like that!

Back at my vehicle I spent the next two hours deciphering what could be wrong with my lights.  I became one with all the fuses under the hood and under the steering wheel and checked the bulbs on the drivers’ side.  Throughout this process I guy stopped by to see if I was okay and I explained what was going on he said it sounds like a fuse issue.  After wishing me good luck he took off for a bicycle ride.  About a half hour after that another gentleman pulled over to ask if I needed assistance and got out and started helping me go thru the fuses.  We spoke about my trip and his children and a few other topics; however, in the end we found no fuses that were bad and decided I should just take my vehicle in to be looked at.   I showed him my camper and then we parted ways. 

As I was calling Toyota dealerships the guy who went on a bicycle ride was shocked to find me still here and told me to go to Ross Tires and Service in Lafayette.  He says he takes his vehicles there all the time and they are fantastic.  Since the dealerships were being jerks and told me that it is my fault the brake lights don’t work, because I shouldn’t be pulling anything with my vehicle and it’s not made for that, I hung up on them and called Ross.  Ross had me in an out in 15 minutes for both my bulbs happened to burn out at the exact same time.  Oddly this whole entire ordeal did not make me mad or upset like it used to.  Instead I was oddly calm and went on my merry way to Boyce, LA. 

The rest of the day was spent on a scenic byway that drove by Magnolia Plantation and Oakwood plantation both of which I stopped at.  I drove thru Natchitoches, LA and camped at Gum Springs in the Kisatchie National Forest for only $1.50/night. It was interesting driving from the flat lowlands of Louisiana to the hilly north of the state.  At camp I spoke with my mother while setting up my shower tent and then relaxed the night away.

Day 8

June 16,  2017                                                                                                                  Day 8

For the first time in a long time I slept so well though I know it was all attributed to drinking the night before.  True to form I woke up at 06:30 and started putting my bed and everything back together.  I did one last load of laundry, broke down camp, and took another delicious shower.  By noon I had everything packed up and drove to a gas station to acquire gas and ice.  While there I ran into a man named Trace who began our introduction by asking if I was lost.  He was referring to my Wisconsin license plate.  I laughed and said you know I am not quite sure but if I am I’m not too concerned.  He was a jolly man who seemed to smile a lot and I never did see his eyes they were so squinted.  We stood in the parking lot, with the hot sun beating down and the bag of ice I held slowly melting away, talking  about my trip and where he has been also. 

Twenty minutes later I was back at camp with a new bag of ice.  I made a game plan for the day and hooked up my camper to my vehicle.  At 13:04 I was back on the road and getting lost.  Apparently my phone wanted me to take a ferry which I said no to.  Finally, back on track I arrived at the Atchafalaya Welcome Center at 18:45.  I want to interject here and say that the roads in Louisiana are absolutely horrendous!  They are worse than the back roads in Wisconsin and I just kept imagining my tires on the camper coming off as I drove like you see in the cartoons.

At the welcome center I met three men and a woman who were swapping boats with each other.  First, the oldest gentlemen who had on a veterans hat and I came to find out was a carpenter came over to look at my camper.  I asked if he wanted to see inside it and he was like, “you know curiosity got the best of me and I just couldn’t help myself I had to see what this was all about.”  After giving him the grand tour we spoke for quite some time about building campers, how he used to be a chief and what true gumbo is, the history of the area and how his last name is the same as only 62 other families in the United States.  He suggested a few places I should visit if I had time and then he gave me his sisters’ information that lives in California.  He told me if I ever get over that way and find myself in trouble to give her a call.  However, I was not to call her by her name which was Gloria but instead to call her “Cook”.   During our conversation the other members of his group came over to look at my camper and we all got to talking.

Once we all said our goodbyes and they went home I crawled into my camper to spend the night until the Welcome Center opened in the morning. Before going to bed, I Skyped my parents which I have come to realize I Skype more now than I have ever done before.  It is probably due to the limited about of people I talk to daily but when I do get to talking to someone now it is like I can’t shut up and just keep going like the energizer bunny.  Which might explain why these posts are so long!

Day 7

June 15, 2017                                                                                                                      Day 7

Like my last post said I did not so much wake up as decided to leave the rest stop and begin driving.  Calling around I found a state park near New Orleans that I could stay at and shower (which I desperately needed) and do laundry!  I arrived at St. Bernard State Park around 08:00 and when I stepped out of my vehicle to go pay my sense of hearing was blasted with an overload of sound!  It took me a few seconds to realize that the ridiculously loud noise were cicadas.   Still taken aback but how loud it was I picked out my camping spot (#45).  From there I literally took all my blankets and sheets out of my camper and placed them in the front seat of my vehicle.  Next, with some effort I removed my memory foam mattress and placed it on the picnic table to dry.   Then off to do laundry and shower!

It cost $1.00 to do a load of laundry.  There were two washers and two dryers though I should mention I may have broken the one washer so we are down to one.  Once the clothes and blankets were in the washer machine into the showers I went.  Just walking into the air conditioned bathroom felt like stepping into heaven. The shower that followed felt even better than that!  I honestly did not want to leave this little paradise of a bathroom. But alas I needed to put the clothes and that in the dryer.  I had everything clean and dried, including myself, and organized before 12:00.  During this entire time I was messaging a friend to get the lowdown on New Orleans and get other people’s opinions on what to do also. 

Following some great advice I parked my vehicle on an off street that had surveillance and called an Uber to take me into the French Quarter.  When I was dropped off I don’t know why but all of a sudden I just felt out of place and in a way didn’t even want to be there.  Maybe it was due to all the people.  Everyone I had spoken to told me to go to Café du Monde and so I headed there.  It wasn’t until I was almost there that I realized I was headed to the wrong one!  So I turned around and walked all the way back only to find the place completely jammed packed.  At this point, my phone was just about to die and if that happened I would have no way to get back to my vehicle.  Disheartened and about to give up on it all I called an Uber to come take me back to my vehicle so I could charge my phone.

I do want to interject and say how truly thankful I am for all my friends out there that lent me advice, opinions and went out of their way to make sure I would enjoy myself in this new city.  Words cannot thank you enough.

I knew I would regret it and be mad at myself if I did not give New Orleans one last shot. Another Uber took me to Jean Laffite’s which apparently is the oldest known bar in America.  There I ordered a Hurricane and began talking to the bartenders about my camper and what I was doing.  A woman who had come by earlier was back again and introduced herself and we got to talking.  Come to find out she is from Grand Rapids, MI so since we were both northerners she invited me to join her group in the back of the bar.  Instantly, we all clicked and I knew right away these people were going to become friends of mine for it felt like I had known them all my life.  In the end, we all hung out the rest of the evening walking and drinking around town.  We stopped at Coop's Place and had some amazing ass food!  Afterwards we found a bar that was playing jazz music and we danced the night away.  Apparently, when I drink I think I have all of a sudden acquired some unknown dance skill and am all about dancing.  Let’s just say I probably should never dance haha.  Either way I had a wonderful time and when it was time to call it a night we said our goodbyes and I went back to my camper in the woods.

Day 6

June 14, 2017                                                                                                                     Day 6

Sleeping, what is that again?  For some reason unbeknownst to me I have not been able to get any sleep since my journey began.  True to form I woke up at 06:30 not true to form however, it was not raining.  Before the weather knew I was awake I ran around breaking down camp and changed clothes quickly.  I am not sure if I mentioned earlier but the road to camp was a brilliant red-orange color and although pretty I think it may be dyeing the white of my camper. 

My goal for today was to stop at Fort Pickens within the Gulf Shores National Seashore.  On my way there I stopped at a Lowes to buy silicone in which to seal up my camper to further prevent leakage; or at least try to.  In Lowes I called my older brother and began having a discussion with my niece Ella. So if you can picture it I was holed up in an insulation aisle, talking like people do to children in a higher pitched voice that one never has unless speaking to a child.  Why is it that when we speak to children or even animals our voice seems to go up a couple octaves?  Anyways after about a ten minute conversation I bought what I needed and headed to Publix to buy food and ice.   Afterwards I thought it would be a good idea to stop and replace the porta-privy I “damaged” the other day.  Back in the car about to leave to finally go to Fort Pickens what does it do?? It rains.  I was almost tempted to just say screw it and get out of the south but I talked myself out of it.

Fort Pickens speed limit was a speedy 25 mph in order to protect the shorebirds that nested in the area.  The place was absolutely stunning in its natural beauty.  The dunes were covered in brilliant white sand and ospreys flew abundantly overhead. The drive to the fort was a long one; however, I honestly did not want it to end I was enjoying the view too much.  Fort Pickens was interesting due to the history behind it but I think I was so eager to get to the beach and bird watch that I just couldn’t pace myself. Before I knew it was back in my camper trying to find a place to park that I could access the beach.  Finally, I just said screw it and took up two parking spaces.  It wasn’t crowded and with the storm off in the distance I did not expect it to become so while I was out.

After changing in my camper and making a quick sandwich I walked to the beach.  Please note that in later posts I tend to always be walking with a sandwich in hand. Haha.  By 14:00 I had already spend two glorious hours at the beach and needed to get going before it got dark. Plus at this point it had been two days since I showered and let’s just say I was beginning to smell.  So I think an air conditioned vehicle is the best thing for me at this point.

I drove right thru Mobile, AL into Mississippi and I still could not find a free camping spot!  Frustrated I ended up pulling over in a Dollar General parking lot in some speck of a town to skype my older brother and nieces. I really do hate that I am missing seeing those two beautiful girls grow up.  Anyways, back to the matter at hand.  After failing and failing to find a place that I can park and stay the night I finally found a rest stop in Louisiana that allowed overnight parking.  Sleep would not come to me again tonight though.  My bed was soaking wet so I spent some time applying silicone and then attempted to sleep in my vehicle.  It was 89 degrees out and in the heat and crammed driver’s seat I would not be sleeping tonight.  Eventually, around 05:00 I decided to just start driving again. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 5

June 13, 2017                                                                                                              Day 5

I awoke again around 06:00 to the sound of rain on the canopy.  I laid there, oddly exhausted, trying to fall back asleep.  However, the worry that my camper was leaking and my blanket was getting wet prevented that from happening.  I eventually gave up the fight and stepped outside. The rain had finally let up some so I figured I would make myself some hot tea.  During the process of prepping everything I heard a lot of beeping that sounded like those weather station warnings that pop up on ones TV.  I checked my phone and sure enough it was the weather station issuing a flash flood warning for my area.  Not less than three minutes after that the wind picked up an ungodly pace and the rain started pounding down hard.  In a mad scramble, I threw everything in my galley and locked the hatch in place.  Next, I tried to grab hold of my canopy and netting before that was gone.  The wind was taking my netting and making it difficult for me to take it all down so I ripped the velcro apart and threw the netting in my vehicle.  Then I took my extra stakes and tightened my canopy down to the ground as best I could.  The last thing to do in this storm that came from nowhere was to take down the porta-privy.  I kept trying to fold it up but it just wouldn't fold so in a crazy torrent I threw it under my vehicle hoping it would be safe there.  Soaking wet I jumped in my vehicle to wait it out.

With the subsiding of the rain I climbed out from the shelter of my vehicle and began resetting up camp.  At this point, I just about had it for the day so I climbed into my camper and watched a movie. By 13:00 the rain had come to a complete halt and I was able to throw everything over the fences, benches, and picnic table to dry.  I made some pasta and sat myself down by the water and watched the sky open up into a beautiful day.

I should probably mention that my temper may have gotten the better of me and as I attempted to refold the porta-privy after it dried out I may have threw it and broke it.  It just wouldn't fold! So see ya you stupid invention!

Day 4

June 12, 2017                                                                                                                   Day 4

Last night it took forever to get comfortable and fall asleep; however, I was up at 06:00.  I laid in bed for another 45 minutes listening to the rain and waiting for it to subside some so that I could begin the process of taking down camp.  During the entire time I was packing up camp I was praying that I would be able to get out of here and not get stuck on the road with all the this rain.  I didn't want to even begin to think how deep the lakes I had driven thru last night were now.

Well I made it to the highway without incidence and began driving to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.  Upon arriving I drove all the way to the end where the lighthouse was situated.  I started to walk on one of the paths when all of a sudden I was being chased down by mosquitoes!  I felt like I was that alien that is in the movie Lilo and Stitch who thinks mosquitoes are an endangered species until he is completely covered in them.  So at a brisk pace I made it back to my car and doused myself with 100% deet (yes, I know that its' bad for you but I will deal with the consequences), put my rain coat on, and also my bug head net.  Take that you pesky bloodsuckers!

While driving down the road I realized I was so hungry that I was eating cold baked beans out of a mason jar with a spork while bird-watching. I think I just entered a whole new stage of desperate. HAHA  Anyways, I decided to hike one of the primitive trails within the refuge, a total of 6.8 miles.  I did not realize until today how out of "hiking" shape I am.  Granted it was raining the entire time, my boots were oozing water and my pants were soaked.  Though I was drenched and I think I left my ass and thighs somewhere back on the trail it was overall a decent hike.  Throughout the hike I saw the following wildlife:

                        tri-colored herons                                2 downy woodpeckers
                        green herons                                         heard the "screech" then say a barred owl
                        common moorhens                              alligators
                        american oystercatchers                      28 turtle nests
                        purple gallinules
                        various shorebirds

Leaving St. Marks I camped at Bayside campground in the Elgin AFB.  After setting up camp I took a dip in the bay to rinse off, cooked some ramon noodles and settled in for the night.


Day 3

June 11, 2017                                                                                                                       Day 3

It took longer than I wanted to get here but I am finally on my journey. The amount of things that have gone wrong and continue to go wrong is endless.  Yet somehow I pull thru and keep on going, all I know, due to the huge support system I have.  As I head out on this journey, to a new beginning, I hope that it is all worth it.  I guess only time will tell.

I should start off mentioning that I am quite sure that instead of a spirit animal I have a spirit element and it is water.  Though unlike a spirit animal that usually signifies your strengths a spirit element is the exact opposite!  I have always loved the water; I drink it, I swim in it, I cannot survive without it.  However, lately I hate it with the utmost intensity. First, my car decided it wanted to convert into a swimming pool.  Second, my camper decided it didn't want to be left out and it also attempted to become one.  Third, my cooler wasn't in the mood to hold the water I told it had to hold and therefore it had a tantrum and leaked in my vehicle.  Fourth and hopefully lastly, for the first four days of the trip it rained every single minute of every single day.  Yep...I just love water. :-)

I apologize for that small rant. Lets it get back today shall we.  When I woke up this morning I had breakfast with my father before saying goodbye and once again "inching" my way down the road (due to the torrential downpour that made it pothole city). I  was headed to Royal Springs near O'Brien, Florida.  When I arrived there it was raining and there were quite a few kids.  Lets just say I am not that fond of children.  In a certain atmosphere they are all right but when they are running around screaming no thank you.  The spring itself was beautiful and I had originally planned to swim in it but due to it raining and already so late in the afternoon I decided I should find my campground before dark.

My campsite was Goose Pasture in the Aucilla WMA.  Anyone who knows me knows that whether it is finding a hotel or a campsite I, without trying to, always pick the most raunchy or secluded sites.  This site in particular was miles down a dirt road that became more or less a lake.  At times I literally had to get out with my muck boots on and make sure I would be able to drive thru the "puddle".  I finally made it and low and behold I was the only one there.  Who would have thought that?  I mean who wouldn't want to camp somewhere invested with flies, mosquitoes and its pouring down rain.  The perks were that I was alone, there were huge alligators, the spot was beautiful and most importantly I was on my own adventure.  Take a look at my first official camp set up!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 2

May 16, 2017                                                                                                                      Day 2

I awoke this morning before the sun and ambled down to the river while munching on wheat thins since I have yet to buy a pot and pan in which to cook on.  It was peaceful watching as the mist slowing disappeared off of the water. Once the mist was gone I headed back to my camper and was out of the campsite by 07:15. Shortly after leaving I stopped at Juniper Springs and it was there that I realized how much I truly miss bird-watching.  I was walking on the boardwalk and right away I disturbed two turkeys that were roosting, a beautiful swallow-tailed kite, three sand-hill cranes, and a woodpecker feeding its young.  I was slightly irritated with myself for not bring my binoculars so that I can determine what species of woodpecker it was! Oh and I also spotted a warbler which I believe may have been a yellow-throated warbler due to it being a year round resident.

Leaving the springs, I then drove to Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach both of which I was not all that impressed with.  To me they both reminded me of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin in that it was designed for tourists.  I did really want to see the Kennedy Space Center but due to cost and my limited time I did not think it wise to spend that much.  Plus on my list of things I want to see and do it was not at the top.  By the time I was standing in the North Atlantic Ocean, on some unknown beach, I was starving and bored.

Arriving at my dads place in Florida the rest of the evening was spent showcasing my camper and discussing ways to create an awning, fix the door, and some other things that needed to be done to get me back on the road. Now, I will skip the month I discussed in my first blog and begin where my adventure truly begins...

Day 1

Lets take it back a bit.  Back to when it all began..HAHA okay seriously now.  I will be writing this blog in a similar manor to how I have been filling out my personal journal but for obvious reasons will be omitting somethings.  So this first entry is actually on my way down to Florida and then I skip to when I leave Florida and begin the journey for real.

May 15, 2017                                                                                                                           Day 1

Today I woke up in a very comfortable bed with many pillows and most importantly air conditioning. Leisurely,  I made a pot of coffee and prepared for the day.  Shortly thereafter my boyfriends brother came over and assisted me in attaching the newly cut tongue to my trailer.  Afterwards,  I began placing my belongings into the camper; however, in the process of doing so I realized that I was just procrastinating.  I was looking over and over the bedroom to make sure I was not leaving anything behind for I knew not if I was to return here again; but in actuality I was just stalling.  All of a sudden everything that could go wrong during this trip started racing thru my mind with lightening speed!  I knew it was now or never and if I let my brain follow the path it was on I would not leave.  So I jumped in my vehicle and inched my way out of the driveway.

Not five minutes went by before I was calling my older brother freaking out that something was amiss with the trailer.  I have hauled many boats and other trailers before with ease and skill yet somehow this was completely different.  It was like everything I knew went out the window and I was not thinking rationally.  Maybe it was the fear of the unknown as they say, maybe I wasn't yet ready to leave Charleston behind me, or maybe I was just being a baby. ;)  Whichever it was my brother put my mind to ease and calmed me down.  Within two hours I was driving with confidence and my nerves were now replaced with pure excitement!  All while traveling at a pace of 60 mph and a not a line over 65 mph.

At 20:00 Eastern Daylight time I arrived at the Davenport Landing in the Ocala National Forest in Florida.  With the sunlight fading and a fire restriction in place there was not much else to do but get ready for bed.  It was here that I decided I should drink a bottle of dessert wine I had been carrying with me for the last 5 years.  Why you ask I have been carrying it around?  That's a good question.  So I popped it open and took my first sip of freedom.  Well okay so freedom could have tasted better but what do you expect from something that has been cold and then hot for the last 5 years.

Once inside the camper I was hot, had no cellphone service and all I wanted was to talk to my boyfriend since he was always able to make me feel better.  Yet, I knew I would not be speaking to him for he too had no cellphone service. So I shut off the lights.  Then the sounds of the night began.  I loved listening to the barred owls speaking back and forth; however, every little noise jolted me awake.  Then a car drove by and shouted out if everyone was okay.  I yelled back "yeah we are fine."  Though there was no "we" just an "I".  At some point sleep became me.

The beginning of it all

In the beginning with an idea freshly bouncing around in my head I went from hiking the entire Appalachian Trail to hiking other long distance trails.  Then it went from road tripping the United States while sleeping in a tent, hammock or my vehicle.  Finally, I started looking at buying a little camper and in my search a teardrop camper came into view.  I always had thought they were cute campers and like most people I had an obsession with fitting the most into small places.  The idea of it actually being something I would live and travel in didn't become a reality until my boyfriend said we could build one.  To say the least I was quite skeptical, especially with the time constraint of less than a month, that it could be done.  It was not a question of our skills but a question of time and money.

With only a month before he left for work our little (maybe I should say big??) project began.  I could tell you all about the day in and day out difficulties that arose, the hassle of finding parts and supplies, and the joy in seeing it all come together but I think anyone who has ever taken on a project knows how it affects you.  In a month, the camper was constructed, stained, painted, weather proofed, tires placed on the trailer, and a towing kit placed on my vehicle.  Then I was Florida...for more work on the camper.  I stayed in Florida an additional month having my vehicle completely looked at for a year on the road and waiting for parts to come in.  To say I was losing patience would probably be an understatement.  I understood that it all had to be done but still I could not control my anxiety that if I didn't get on the road soon I wouldn't get on it at all.  In the end it was all worth it and I was on the road.

Before my adventure begins I can not thank everyone enough who has helped this dream of mine become a reality.  My family first off has been the most supportive of all.  It took some convincing in the beginning but once they knew I was serious they were all in.  Advice and support flooded in from Wisconsin and Florida alike. Without them I know I would not have had the courage to make this journey.  My boyfriend put all his time into assisting me with building the camper from the ground up and when he left the rest of his family stepped in; especially, his brother Carson.  My friends (who have become family to me) at Langdons' Restaurant and Wine Bar threw me a going away party and were a huge support system for me. In Florida, Frank took my vehicle and basically gave me back a new one and Nick welded me a brand new trailer tongue and made sure it was safe to go.  There are literally too many people to thank for making this happen.  I was flabbergasted by the amount of information, input, advice, and support I received from everyone.  It made me realize just how many people I have out there who truly care.

So without any more delays......The Journey of a lifetime begins!!!!

A spark.

Where to begin.  The beginning of anything is difficult.  Whether it is beginning a new job, a new life, or maybe even a new day.  For me, the beginning was a new adventure that I hoped would lead my life into a new and better direction.  Up until now my life has not been miserable and I would have to say I have been very blessed with an amazing family and support system.  There are millions upon millions of people who have it worse then me.  However, for me as the individual, I just got to my breaking point.  I could no longer handle the day to day issues that arose, I was not happy and the worst part was I was no longer a person I knew.

Over the course of three years I let people tear me down day in and day out until I lost all of my self-confidence.  It seemed like I could not catch a break either that anything that could go wrong would go wrong.  I will not go into detail of all that occurred that lead me to where I am now for I honestly do not have enough space to write it all down nor the desire to look back at it.  For some time I have been tossing around an idea in my head to leave it all behind and just go.  Go anywhere.  I don't think I really believed I would actually do what I thought, until one day.  I cannot remember when it was exactly but I know I was at my primary job when it happened. Sitting here now I can still feel what I felt that day.  The day I knew it all had to change.  It was like a freight train rammed into my chest and all I wanted to do was run... and keep on running. It just hit me how unhappy I was that I actually had a pain in my chest and that this is not who I am.  When did I loose that confident go get it woman that I used to be? What happened to her? How can I get her back?  I wanted to enjoy the things and people around me but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't.  I knew without I doubt that I could no longer stay here.

The leaving for me had always been an easy part.  I moved from place to place all the time since college but for some reason leaving Charleston was one of the hardest things I have done.  It was not because the place itself was so beautiful but instead for the first time I had let myself become friends with the people there.  Leaving them was harder than I thought it would be.  But it wasn't goodbye.  I know that I will see them all again.  Even if I didn't want to admit it I have come to call Charleston, SC home.

And so my journey begins....