Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 1

Lets take it back a bit.  Back to when it all began..HAHA okay seriously now.  I will be writing this blog in a similar manor to how I have been filling out my personal journal but for obvious reasons will be omitting somethings.  So this first entry is actually on my way down to Florida and then I skip to when I leave Florida and begin the journey for real.

May 15, 2017                                                                                                                           Day 1

Today I woke up in a very comfortable bed with many pillows and most importantly air conditioning. Leisurely,  I made a pot of coffee and prepared for the day.  Shortly thereafter my boyfriends brother came over and assisted me in attaching the newly cut tongue to my trailer.  Afterwards,  I began placing my belongings into the camper; however, in the process of doing so I realized that I was just procrastinating.  I was looking over and over the bedroom to make sure I was not leaving anything behind for I knew not if I was to return here again; but in actuality I was just stalling.  All of a sudden everything that could go wrong during this trip started racing thru my mind with lightening speed!  I knew it was now or never and if I let my brain follow the path it was on I would not leave.  So I jumped in my vehicle and inched my way out of the driveway.

Not five minutes went by before I was calling my older brother freaking out that something was amiss with the trailer.  I have hauled many boats and other trailers before with ease and skill yet somehow this was completely different.  It was like everything I knew went out the window and I was not thinking rationally.  Maybe it was the fear of the unknown as they say, maybe I wasn't yet ready to leave Charleston behind me, or maybe I was just being a baby. ;)  Whichever it was my brother put my mind to ease and calmed me down.  Within two hours I was driving with confidence and my nerves were now replaced with pure excitement!  All while traveling at a pace of 60 mph and a not a line over 65 mph.

At 20:00 Eastern Daylight time I arrived at the Davenport Landing in the Ocala National Forest in Florida.  With the sunlight fading and a fire restriction in place there was not much else to do but get ready for bed.  It was here that I decided I should drink a bottle of dessert wine I had been carrying with me for the last 5 years.  Why you ask I have been carrying it around?  That's a good question.  So I popped it open and took my first sip of freedom.  Well okay so freedom could have tasted better but what do you expect from something that has been cold and then hot for the last 5 years.

Once inside the camper I was hot, had no cellphone service and all I wanted was to talk to my boyfriend since he was always able to make me feel better.  Yet, I knew I would not be speaking to him for he too had no cellphone service. So I shut off the lights.  Then the sounds of the night began.  I loved listening to the barred owls speaking back and forth; however, every little noise jolted me awake.  Then a car drove by and shouted out if everyone was okay.  I yelled back "yeah we are fine."  Though there was no "we" just an "I".  At some point sleep became me.

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