Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 49

July 27, 2017                                                                                                                    Day 49

We both woke up before 07:00 and while Travis made us some coffee I began packing up for the next couple days that we would be in Montana backpacking.  We went through everything I had in my camper and vehicle that I should bring and what he had and by 11:00 we were pretty much packed up with all our gear and on the road.  We took his vehicle due to mine having no room and because his gets better mileage.  Before leaving town we stopped at a grocery store to acquire a few more supplies and to buy ice for my cooler.

The drive was not a bad drive even though it was around nine hours for we went through the East section of Yellowstone National Park.  Within the park we stopped at a few geothermal sites which smelled like rotten eggs, saw a couple buffalo and watched as a coyote walked right next to our vehicle without a care in the world.  Entering Montana I understood why it is referred to as Big Sky country for there is nothing but rolling hills and a wide open sky as far as one can see.  There were no trees and the landscape stretched on and on.  It was interesting to see no large cities off in the distance let alone any small towns for miles upon miles.  As we drove on wards I could see myself riding horseback over the rolling hills with nothing all around me but pure freedom.

As Travis continued to drive I found us a camping spot, via my Ultimate Campgrounds app, at Battle Ridge - USFS for free.  The site itself was crowded but not a bad spot in the slightest and at this point that rain had subsided.  Setting up camp was quick and easy and within minutes we were settled in around a fire enjoying the sound of a red-tailed hawk off in the distance as the sun went down over the mountains.

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