Monday, August 28, 2017

Day 79

August 26, 2017                                                                                                        Day 79

This morning I was not hungover or anything I was just lazy and did not feel like getting out of bed in the slightest.  Most importantly the thought of going back out to my camper into the 100 plus temperatures did not appeal to me at all.  Once we were both up we got dressed and headed down for breakfast and ate the same thing as the previous morning.  When we went back to the room we were both just sitting around and neither of us wanted to leave today.  Travis made some phone calls and thankfully we were able to stay another night!  I can not express how thankful I am for him doing this.

Now that we did not have to go out into the blaring heat we both decided a nap was in order.  A couple hours later we woke back up and headed into town for I wanted to find a journal at the Barnes and Noble.  Walking into that store is a really, really bad thing for me to do so I made sure I had my blinders on and went straight to the journal section.  I ended up paying way more than I should have but I know that I got the journal that I wanted.  One reason I am able to do the trip I am on is due to the fact that I am very efficient in saving money and at not spending it.  I will wait until my clothing and shoes are falling apart before going shopping, wait until I have no food left to buy some more and I want to think I know how to manage my money effectively.  Every once in awhile though I come across something I really want that is either expensive or just not worth the cost that is on it; however, I know that if I walk away and do not acquire the said object I would regret it.  So that is exactly what occurred with this journal.  It was not worth its' price but if I walked away without it I would not stop thinking about it and no other journal would be able to match up to it.

Now that I went on that little torrent about my new journal lets get back on track. Ha.  From Barnes and Noble we stopped at Walmart to acquire beer and ice cream to complete our day of doing not a fucking thing.  Back at the room, I played Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 on my computer and we sat there drinking and eating ice cream.  I am surprised I don't weigh 200 pounds with how much ice cream I can eat.  It is just so delicious especially Ben and Jerry's Phish Food. When the movie ended we jumped in the jacuzzi one more time.

At this point we were hungry again so we decided to order a pizza and while Travis ran out to pick that up and some more beer I laid around watching Horrible Bosses 2 that was on our one TV channel. Once he returned we mowed down the pizza and beer and finished watching the movie on TV.  Outside a storm was brewing and it was relaxing to hear the thunder and see the lightening off in the distance.  With our bellies full and the movie over we called it a night but I barely slept at all and when morning came I was cranky from lack of sleep.

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