Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 56

August 3, 2017                                                                                                         Day 56

This morning I was orginally planing on taking off for Yellowstone National Park and then heading into Idaho; however, moving out of bed this morning was not really happening.  I was torn between whether I should get going or if I should just chill for another day.  With me not being able to walk too well on my foot I knew I probably wouldn't be able to do too much hiking or knowing me I would push myself too hard and delay the healing process.  I honestly didn't know what I should do or what I wanted to do for I felt nothing either way.  In the end, it was already going on 10:00 and I decided that if I was going to get back on the road I should have left already; so I stayed.

To pass the time and to help out since Travis has been so generous in letting me crash at his place I made some coffee and starting washing all the towels, sheets and blankets around the house.  While the laundry was going I also decided to tackle the yard.  Once I got the lawnmower going I plugged my headphone into my ears and spent the better part of the morning mowing the front and backyard. The grass was quite tall and when I reached the front yard I had ran out of gas and after filling the tank back up and cleaning out the air filter finished the yard.  For some reason I truly enjoy cutting the grass and find great satisfaction out of doing so.  Well by 12:00 I had all the laundry done and the lawn was finished.

After that I jumped in the shower and decided to crawl into bed and watch a show on Netflix via my computer.  I was going to watch a movie out in the living room; however, there were seven remotes!!  I took one look at that and was like nope that is not going to happen for I will break something.  The rest of the day until Travis came home was very relaxing for I just laid in bed watching my show, talking with two of my friends and I also spoke to my mother.  An hour before Travis came home I cracked open a Guinness and texting Travis we decided we would just order some pizza and drink some Guinness when he got home.

Talking with him and my mother I decided that since he only had to work one more day and then had two days off that I would hold out and we would hit Yellowstone together.  We were thinking of doing some backpacking in Yellowstone and visit all the must see sites this coming weekend. So my plan tomorrow is to create some scenarios on what would be the most effective way to conquer the weekend.
I have such a rough life LOL

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