Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 62

August 9, 2017                                                                                                    Day 62

Waking up around 07:00 the sun was bright outside my window and I stepped outside (after smacking my head on my door frame...ouch!) and the family that showed up last night were already up next door.  I went about my morning routine of getting dressed, brushing my teeth and doing some workouts on the ground.  Then I mixed my strawberry and birthday cake protein shakes together and hopped into my vehicle and drove away towards Utah.

The drive to Zion National Park in Utah was around 8.5 to 9 hours.  The beginning of the drive started off great for I had stopped and picked up an energy drink (my first since I started my trip) and a butterfingers candy bar.  While I stood in line to pay for my items a man commented on my hair and we got to talking about my camper, my trip and his trip in transporting horse feed to Texas.  Wishing each other luck on our trips I skipped out to my camper and hopped back in.  I drove away with my radio blaring on the 80's Throwback (90's Comeback) Pandora channel and dancing to "Dude (looks like a lady)."  Needless to say, I acquired quite a few looks as people passed me on the road and saw me singing and dancing in my vehicle.

I will be honest and say that there was not much to report on this drive.  As what normally happens, around the fifth hour in, I couldn't decide what type of music I wanted to listen to; I jumped from hip hop to country to rap to seasick steve to seether...I was all over the place.  In the end, I just listened to the radio and at 18:40 I pulled into the Zion National Park Visitor Center and discovered what I already figured would be the case; that there were not campsites available.  So I asked for a map of the area and got back in my vehicle to drive backwards thirty minutes where I had passed some BLM land.

The BLM land was called Virgin Dam Dispersed and I pulled into the first spot that was available. I would like to draw attention to my kick ass backing up skills with a trailer.  I already knew I was great at maneuvering large trailers but trailers smaller than my vehicle used to be tricky for me.  Not anymore though! I made a wrong turn when I was trying to get to the campsite and had to back up quite a ways and I rocked that shit!  HaHa now that I just completely bragged about myself lets' get back on track.  As I set up camp I called my mom like normal and we talked for some time about everything going on back home and how my day went.  Side Note:  MOM...I know you are reading this and I am telling you to start taking care of yourself or I will come home and drag you to see someone!!!  I love you :)

While we were talking I had heated up the last of my elk burgers and ate that.  After we hung up, I situated my camper and tried to acquire some cell service, to use the internet, for I wanted to get working on my nieces birthday present.  Thanks to my moms ingenuity I was going to make a book on Shutter-fly for my nieces fifth birthday present; however, there was no service so that would have to wait until another time.  Since I couldn't work on that or my blog I decided I would just head to bed and get up early in the morning to hike Angel's Landing.  Before I fell asleep, I was scrolling through Facebook when I noticed a friend from college had posted saying she was in Utah! I have not spoken to her since college but I decided to message her and see where in Utah she happened to be.  Come to find out she was going to hike Angel's Landing in Zion tomorrow also; albeit later in the day!  We then decided that we would try to meet up at some point tomorrow and catch up.  Excited for tomorrows events I passed out while a lonesome coyote called off near my camper.

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