Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 54

August 1, 2017                                                                                                                 Day 54

Waking up around 07:00 am food was instantly on our minds and without hesitation we drove into Cody to a breakfast place.  There we split a huge cinnamon roll and then I proceeded to eat a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich with grapes and drank an americano.  Sitting there on this beautiful day we talked about our trip and I happened to mention that this reminded me of the days in Charleston where I would get brunch and then drink the rest of the day.  So with that we decided that we would run to the liquor store to obtain some tequila, margarita mix, and grand marnier.

Back at the house, I threw a load of laundry in and we both began unloading his vehicle.  It was quite the process to replace everything from my pack back into my camper and vehicle; especially, with my OCD where everything as a certain place it must go.  Once we moved back inside the house to finish unpacking and doing laundry the drinking began.  At one point, Travis ran into town to clean his car while I jumped in the shower to prep for dinner later in the evening. When I was almost ready, I talked with his roommate, who is a hunting guide, and showed me all his bighorn sheep, elk, and mountain lion skulls which just absolutely fascinates me!  I think it would be so interesting to be a hunting guide or at least go out on an trip with pack animals and do some hunting. When Travis came back we all stood around talking for awhile.

Eventually, Travis and I took off to grab some dinner at an Italian place within Cody.  There we talked and pigged out!  I literally ate some bread, a salad, my main dish and then desert so needless to say I was stuffed and ready for a food coma afterwards. Heading back to the house I was content and ready to hit the sack.  At this point, I had yet to decide if I would be leaving in the morning or if I would stay another day to just relax and regroup.

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