Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 57

August 4, 2017                                                                                                                 Day 57

Another day.  After much contemplation I have decided now to just stay until Saturday when Travis has two days off of work for we will then go see Yellowstone together.  I was originally going to go by myself; however, the more I thought about it I decided I would enjoy it more with him around and then we could also back-country camp.   So as I awoke this morning after a night of fitful dreams and coffee was a must.  Climbing out of bed and walking to the kitchen I made myself a cup of Joe and with my handy dandy computer sat at the kitchen table.

On the agenda for today was organizing our trip to Yellowstone for the weekend.  I talked to multiple people within Yellowstone about camping in the back-country and with leaving my camper at a visitor center overnight.  Once I had all the information I needed I came up with three scenarios and along with a map of Yellowstone sent them to Travis to look over if he had time.  After I sent that out I began planning for the next leg of my journey which needless to say did not go as well as planning for Yellowstone did.  Apparently, as it was in Texas, everything I wanted to do had restrictions or cost quite a bit of money to do.

First up, was The Wave right on the border of Arizona and Utah.  Only twenty people a day are allowed to hike within it (which I can greatly appreciate and do wish more places were like that; however, it does put a damper on my plans) and is decided based on a lottery system with some people reserving months in advance.  So that is more than likely a no go at this point in time for me; yet, I am still going to go and see if there is anyway to get in with a guide, for my thinking is it doesn't hurt to at least try.  Second up, was Antelope Canyon which is also in Arizona.  I was not aware, which I know is due to my lack of research, that it is on Navajo land and therefore one must take a tour that costs $50.00 plus an additional $8.00 just to enter the area and the tour is only an hour long.   Although my expenses are limited I am contemplating it.  The big and most disappointing one of all is white water rafting in the Grand Canyon.  I knew it would be expensive but I had no idea that for one day it would cost at the low end $400.00 to participate!  I wanted to whitewater raft more than anything but that is way above my budget.

I know people have to make a living and the majority of the money one pays goes into keeping the facilities up and running for future generations but I do find it frustrating that everything I want to do so desperately costs more than I could ever afford.  Its things like these that sometimes I wish I was not hurting for money; yet, although I am not able to do them maybe it will instead lead me to do something else that I would find more rewarding.   I know everyone says one does not need money to have fun and I completely agree but my adventurous side wants to try all the dangerous and expensive activities!  Sigh...alas it shall have to wait for another day.

After awhile of getting nowhere in the planning department I gave up and just sat in the wooden chair at the table looking out into nothing wondering what the hell am I going to do now?  Doing nothing active for the last two or so days is not my cup of tea and though I do like some down time two days is my limit.  If I am not constantly on an adventure or keeping my brain busy I have noticed I become irritated and restless.  Once I am done with my journey I better have something to do otherwise I am prone to go crazy.  Thinking about it, I fear the man (if there will ever be one) that decides he wants me as a wife for he better be at the very least as adventurous as me for I am not one to settle and stay in one place too long.  I hunger for adventure and stimulus within my life and if I am denied those things I fear I will fall into a pit of despair.  Which when I think about it was what was occurring in South Carolina and I felt it happening and every instinct I had told me to run!

In the end, I settled on watching some of my show on Netflix and after one episode I couldn't take it so I went onto the back porch and sat out there listening to my thumbprint station on Pandora, with my eyes closed, trying to calm my beating heart.  When I calmed down some a good friend of mine taught how to properly use hashtags on Instagram and so I began practicing that until Travis walked in with two amazing beers in hand.   We sat out there as the sun went down talking about his day at work and having a cold beer.  When we decided we were hungry he came up with a perfect idea...order Chinese.  I already knew what I wanted for I always get the same thing when it comes to Chinese food and thus I waited for him to decide.  After what seemed like a century we were ready to call it in. Lets just say how he answered the phone was so hilarious I was crying until tears were trickling down my face!  Eventually, after he walked away and took some deep breaths, he was able to place the order and in fifteen minutes we had our food.

With our plates piled full and a new beer in hand we sank into the couch and watched Wedding Crashers which has always been a movie that can provoke some great laughs.   We ate until we could eat no more and by the time the movie ended we were both exhausted.  As we both headed to bed I knew then that my plan of getting to the park  early tomorrow morning was probably not going to happen.

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