Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 63

August 10, 2017                                                                                               Day 63

Originally, I had planned to wake up at 04:30 to workout, write in my journal, have a protein shake and basically start my morning right.  Well, that is not exactly how it went, instead I shut off both my alarms and didn't wake up until 06:00.  So I prepped my pack for a day of hiking and was on my way to the visitor center in less than twenty minutes.  Once my camper was parked I walked up to the shuttle service area and rode the shuttle to the Grotto drop off where the trail head to Angel's Landing began.

The hike was only 5.4 miles round trip but the entire hike to the top was uphill the entire way with no reprieve and it was a steep incline.  Walking on this path reminded me of Mount Garfield in Colorado except at least this hike offered shade and the temperature was cooler.  One section of the trail had very steep switchbacks and then it leveled off and I had thought I may have reached the top but then I quickly remembered that I had yet to hit the section that required chains.  The last half mile or so was straight up the cliff with 1,000 foot drop offs on either side and is not for those with a fear of heights or bad balance.  It was rough going and the majority of the hike was practically rock climbing but with the assistance of a single chain every once in awhile.  These are the types of hikes I live for!  Though at the time, I felt like my chest wanted to explode out of my chest from how hard I was breathing due to the elevation and the workout. The view from atop Angel's Landing was spectacular and as I sat up there eating a cliff bar I thought again how lucky I am to be able to be here and that I am doing this.  I have no one holding my hand and the freedom I feel on every hike I can not explain.
While I was on top looking out over this enchanting landscape I could easily see why this place is said to be a place only Angel's can land.  My daydreaming was cut short though when a small squirrel took it upon itself to climb up my leg and try to steal my cliff bar right out of my hand!  Absolutely no fear.  Before I began my descent down the two guys from Switzerland, whom I had taken their picture earlier and vice versa, asked for another picture.  We then hiked down the mountain together talking the whole way about a variety of topics and I instantly enjoyed their company.  It made the hike down go quickly and it was nice to talk to people again.  I have realized since I started my journey I talk to people a lot easier than I did before and sometimes I think I talk to much! I just can't seem to shut up. HaHa

One thing I did notice while on this hike and other hikes as well are the type of people who try to do this hikes.  There were women my grandmothers age in every day clothing trying to climb up the section with chains along with women in dresses and skirts!  I just don't understand what is going thru these peoples minds when they start out.  They have no hiking attire on and they are carrying no water!  To me that is a message for disaster and is not safe.   I guess to each there own and I do have to give them credit in attempting a hike so difficult.

When we had almost reached the end of the hike I ran into my friend from college and her friend.  After we shared a hug we got to talking about the hike and other things. Before letting them continue on their way we decided to try and meet up again if cell phone service allowed us to get in touch.  As I left them and continued on my way I was shocked to see that the two guys I had hiked down with had waited for me which was really nice.  We continued on and as we all boarded the shuttle I decided I would follow them to the Human Museum so that I could show them the apps I use during my trip to assist them in finding a store, a gas station and a place to camp for free.   Getting off the shuttle, I gave them the apps I use every day and then we found each other on Facebook.  We said our goodbyes and as they continued into the museum I waited for the shuttle to take me back down to the visitor center.

Pulling in I was surprised by the line to get back on the shuttle for it stretched all the way to the restrooms and the wait time was an estimated thirty minutes.  Well no going back now.  I entered the gift shop to buy my sticker and post cards.  From there I headed to my camper and changed into shorts and my other hiking shoes.  I also snacked on an apple and attempted to charge my phone for it was dying once again.  I reapplied sunscreen and stood in line for thirty minutes to go back up the mountain.

I got off at the trail head to the Emerald pools and I will be honest it was a complete waste of energy to do that hike.  There was really nothing to see at all and a good chunk of the hike was in sand and the blaring sun.  I thought I was suffocating it was so hot (now almost 100 degrees out) and the sun was scorching me even though I was covered completely to prevent sunburn from occurring.  When the hike was finally over and I was back at the lodge I tried to get service to reach my friend but my message wouldn't go through.  After waiting a little bit I decided I would jump back on the shuttle and ride it back up to the Angel's Landing trail head and past that to the Narrows where I was going to do another hike.  As the shuttle stopped at the Angel's Landing I saw my friend and jumped off to meet up with them.

They wanted to grab a beer and some food so we rode the shuttle back to the lodge and while they ate and drank I sipped on my water and we caught up with each other. Leaving there we headed to the Narrows and with hiking boots and socks on we waded right into the river.  Let me tell you that water was the perfect temperature and felt absolutely amazing!  By the time we decided to turn around and head back to the visitor center we were all completely exhausted.  Climbing down from the shuttle I could barely move my legs, I was starving and the sun and heat had sapped all energy from my body.  We exchanged good byes and said we would keep in touch and then went our separate ways.

Leaving Zion, I stopped at a gas station to fill up and then I was so hungry and exhausted I declared I deserved a beer.  I bought a case of beer and a giant charleston chew and headed back to the BLM land I had stayed at the previous night.  Along the way I spoke to my dad in Wisconsin and then my mother.  Tonight the area had quite a few campers but I was still able to find a spot to camp.  Since I couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted to do first, since I was so tired, I cracked open a beer and climbed into my portable shower for a nice cool rinse.  Then I cooked some pasta and devoured all of it in a matter of minutes followed shortly after with the charleston chew.  I washed my dishes and then climbed into my camper and was out in a minutes.

Almost to the top of Angel's Landing

Approaching storm
That is the trail..
To the left of the tree you can barely make out the chains.  That is also the trail

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