Saturday, August 12, 2017

Day 61

August 8, 2017                                                                                                         Day 61

I woke this morning to the sun peaking through my curtains and my body begging for warmth!  I went to bed comfortable and warm; however, at some point during the night the temperature dropped.  I quickly grabbed my pants and sweater that were sitting on the shelf and laid on top of them to warm them up before slipping them on under the covers.  Once I was sufficiently warmed up I opened my camper door to a beautiful morning.  The sun was reflecting off the dew that still clung to the tall grass near the stream and birds quietly sang all around me.

Before I decided what I was going to do today I boiled some water to make some coffee.  Today was a sad, mournful day for I used the last of my coffee.  While I let me coffee sit and become stronger I acquired my chair and set up my computer.  With my coffee strong and dark I sat down and began typing away at my blog.  Before I knew it an hour or so had passed and my blog was completed.  I do have to say that while I sat there typing away my thoughts and activities, sipping a hot cup of Joe, while the birds fluttered around me, I couldn't have been more relaxed.

When I finished my blog, I discussed with a friend of mine on how to go about uploading pictures from my DSLR camera to Instagram.  Let me tell you that he has been a wealth of information and has great tips when it comes to technology.  So with his direction I started uploading all my pictures to Instagram and then also organizing them to all my USBs.  While I waited for things to download on both my computer and my phone I took to sun bathing.  By 14:00 I had finally finished updating everything and had succeeded in acquiring a beautiful sunburn on my backside. The greatest thing of all time though happened while I was laying on my stomach on the beach towel in front of my computer.  I was sitting there propped up on my elbows, for I was eating an apple, when I heard something buzz by my head. The sound of which reminded me of a hummingbird.  Low and behold it was one and it swung back around to my camper and made its way towards me.  I didn't move a muscle as it flew ever closer to my face and when it was mere inches away it hovered above my computer and I thought (and prayed) it would land on my hand!  As it hovered inches away from my face I could not take my eyes off of this wonderful creature and before I knew it the moment was over and with a quick pee on my computer it went off to better things!  All I can say is that has to top the charts in the luck department!

With my day completely made by that hummingbird I decided it was time to take a shower and take in the rest of the day at a leisurely pace.  I had set up my shower the previous evening so all I had to do was put the solar shower up and climb on.  Since no one was around I left the shower door open so I had a nice breeze coming through.  I took the time to pamper myself and shaved my legs and when I got out of the shower I put some leave-in conditioner in my hair and applied some nice bath and body works lotion.  I was now at maximum comfort level!   I was a tad hungry so I made two pieces of toast and ate that with some cranberry juice.  Gotta keep that urinary system healthy people!

At one point, I looked up to the sky and it looked like it was going to rain and as I opened my underground weather app I saw that rain was indeed in the forecast for today. In record speed, I took down my shower and had my camper sealed up right before the wind started to pick up followed shortly after by the rain.  As I sat inside my camper I read my Dummies book for my camera and messaged my little brother about what was going on in his life.  He informed that mom and dad wanted to skype later so I got my computer out in preparation.  Before they called me on skype, I wanted to eat some more toast with milk but before I could do that the bee that had crawled into my stove earlier had to be freed.  I scooped him up and placed him on the ground. When I had finished with my toast I noticed he had not moved and I was slightly concerned.  So I picked him back up and decided to take him to the sunflowers where all the other bees were.  As soon as I held him up to a flower he latched on and went to work.  I then got sidetracked with watching the bees that I had to run back to my camper to skype my family.

I skyped with my mom, dad and little brother for the next hour or so and to my surprise my little brother spoke for the majority of it which is quite a rare thing.  I thoroughly loved talking with him and hope that that was not just a one time deal and that next time we skype he talks equally as much.  I do miss all of them so much and look forward to seeing them all when I go home for Christmas.  I never could understand how some people become estranged from their family for without mine I know I would perish into a dark hole of despair. Every time we skype, I notice that my little brother looks more and more like a man; I just hope that he is enjoying being a kid and doesn't grow up too fast.  In the end, we left our conversation on a great note as always and as I went to sleep I was happy knowing that everyone back home is doing well.

What I believe to be hummingbird pee

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