Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Day 75

August 22, 2017                                                                                                           Day 75

It is so nice not having to wake up to an alarm and worry about all the things that need to get accomplished in a day.  I wake up most days well rested and content without a worry in the world.  As I woke up this morning that was exactly how I felt.  I stretched out and slowly crawled out from under the covers and pushed open my door.  Stepping out I opened up my back hatch and made a cup of coffee.

As I drank my coffee I sat curled up in my chair watching the sun come up thru the trees.  I had a really difficult decision to make today.  Do I lay in the sun all day or do I drive into town to update my blog?  I tell you, such difficult decision I have to make now days!  In the end, I decided to lay out in the sun all day and work on my horrible tan lines.  After I cleaned up my galley and washed all my water bottles out with baking soda I decided I would shave my legs and wash my hair.  I set up my shower tent and climbed on in it.  The water was cold so I quickly shaved my hairy legs and washed my hair with only shampoo.  Afterwards, I dressed and since the shower was dry in a matter of minutes I put that away.

Now it was time to lay out in the sun.  My yoga mat was already out for I had did some exercises on it earlier.  I added my beach towel to it, placed my computer on the ground and got out my umbrella to cover my computer from the sun.  Then I laid on my stomach and went about typing more of my blog into a word document to be copied and pasted later to the blog.  As I lay out I put multiple applications of sunscreen on but to no avail for I still burnt my white ass.  Did I mention I was laying out in just a thong to try to even out my tan a little bit?

While typing my blog I texted my friend Chris and spoke to him for awhile and also made plans to meet up with someone later on in the day. Once my blog was updated I was bored so I did some more cleaning and packed a bag for staying at a friends place for the night. At 16:00, I was about to leave to drive to Scottsdale when my mom answered my phone call and talked to me for about a half hour.  I gave her all the information on where I would be for the night and who I was going to be with.  Then I had to get going for I was now a half hour behind schedule.

The drive to Scottsdale was two hours long and as I started out my best friend Stacie called me and we spoke for about an hour while I drove talking about what was going on in our lives.  The view outside my window was spectacular with mountains all around me which I was not expecting to see in Arizona. Then out of nowhere the tall saguaro cactus appeared.  They are absolutely amazing and seeing the landscape dotted with them is so fascinating! I literally could not get over the beauty of the area for it was so unexpected.  Another thing that was unexpected was the gradual temperature change.  Where I was camped the temperature was in the high 80's but as I drove the two hours to Scottsdale it climbed up to a heavy 107 degrees! That is just way too hot for this woman.

At 18:30, I arrived at my destination and as I parked my camper on the road I called my mother to let her know that I made it.  I proceeded thru the gate and was greeted by Sal who was gracious enough to allow me stay with him for the night and make use of a hot shower and though I did not have any laundry to do he also offered that up to me. I can not explain how amazing it feels to be able to take a hot shower and not worry about how much water one is using and to be able to look into a mirror.   With my shower out of the way I got dressed up to go out to dinner and I will have to say I am shocked I could one walk in heels still and two that I remembered how to apply makeup! HaHa.

We went to a steakhouse and the food there was absolutely amazing and the only thing better than the food and drinks was the company.  We spent the majority of the evening swapping stories and talking with him only makes me want to travel more.  Once I am done with the USA I will work on hitting other countries!  When dinner was over we walked down the road and acquired a vanilla ice cream waffle cone and talked some more.  It was truly an amazing evening and a welcomed change from being alone on the road.  Since starting my journey I definitely enjoy the company of others a lot more than I used to and appreciate the little things.

My outdoor work space

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