Monday, August 28, 2017

Day 76

August 23, 2017                                                                                       Day 76

The bed: it is huge, comfy and one can get lost in the depths of it if one is not too careful.  This morning, although I was becoming lost within the comfort of the blankets surrounding me, I was up by 04:00 though my alarm would not go off until 05:30.  When it did go off it was a like a fish in my hands for I have removed the life-proof case I had on it for that broke some time ago and I just have not gotten around to getting a new one; since I in fact need a new phone.  I got dressed to hike Camelback Mountain and stepped out into the living room to see him in the kitchen.  Within a matter of minutes, we were in the vehicle and on our way to the mountain.

I was excited for this 1.7 mile or so hike and the day was looking like it would be a beauty.  The day was a beauty that is for body just was not paying attention to the beauty of it for it was too focused on dying.  I am not sure if I am really that out of shape (which one would think that with all my hiking I would be fine) or what was going on.  I was not doing good at all though.  I had to keep making us stop every few steps for I felt so light headed and was completely out of breath.  This is the worst I have ever felt on a hike and I don't think it helped the situation that I was getting mad at myself for how I was handling the hike.  He was a trooper though and dealt with our prolonged hike in patience and worked on distracting me, from death, via pointing out buildings, mountains and such within our view.

I hate to admit it that there was a point where I was about to say that we should just turn around for I was feeling like crap and hated more than anything that I was making the hike last longer than we expected and possibly making him late for work.  I have never not finished a hike before and the huge stubborn part of me said I was going to make it to the peak one way or the other.  In the end, mostly due to his patience and assistance I made it to the top.  The view was spectacular and I was so relieved that I didn't give up.  On our way back down I vowed to myself that if it is the last thing I do I am hiking up this freaking mountain again and will do it in better fashion next time!

Back at the vehicle, we drove back to his condo and both proceeded to shower and as he got ready for work I gathered my things.  Before heading our separate ways we decided that we would meet up later to hang out one more night.  As he left for work I drove around and eventually found a Starbucks that had enough parking for my vehicle and camper.  I was lucky enough to find a table to set up shop and begin working on updating this blog.  I literally sat there until 14:00 working on my blog and updating my Instagram/Facebook and updating my fiance excel sheets.  During that time, I jammed out to music via my head phones, drank a very tasty iced coconut-milk macchiato and then I ordered a spinach, feta cheese and egg white wrap.

With everything caught up I went outside and was blasted with heat!  It was so hot out that I could barely breathe and was honestly worried that my poor camper would spontaneously com-bust. As I climbed into my vehicle it hurt to touch my steering wheel or anything in my car.   I have now learned to put up that sun blocker thing anytime I leave my vehicle.  Since it was only 14:00 and I had nothing else to really do I decided to drive around to try and find a new journal.  I stopped first at a Walmart, then attempted to find a Barnes and Noble but failed with that so I went to a Target.  Inside the store, I wandered around and found the book section where I proceeded to stand there for about thirty minutes reading the backs of books.  I did not find a journal I wanted though.  It was during this time that he texted me and I would head over around 18:00.

When I arrived back at his place we sat on his sofa and watched the HGTV channel whilst talking about a variety of topics ranging from birds to travel.  At some point, he went to make some food and asked if I was hungry.  Honestly, I do tend to forget about food when I am around people so it is a good thing he mentioned something.  Since I still had my prime rib from the other night I heated that up and ate that with a glass of red wine. We ate together and continued talking about an assortment of things.  After dinner, we moved back to the sofa to talk some more and by 20:00 we called it a night for he had to work in the morning.  

I have noticed that although I love and thoroughly enjoy being in a normal bed I find it difficult to fall asleep right away for there is so much space.  I have come to get used to my small living quarters and with all the extra room I am not sure how to act!  Another thing I have noticed is that if I am away from my camper for too long I become anxious and actually miss it.  At times I become cranky and can not relax until I am in it and in the woods.  So it will be interesting on what will happen when my journey ends.  Maybe there is a tiny house in my future??

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