Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Day 72

August 19, 2017                                                                                                                 Day 72

My alarm went off at 03:30 and then again at 04:00 at which point I threw my clothes on with a pair of sweatpants over my shorts and climbed out into the darkness.  Sunrise is at 05:25 am and I wanted to be at Cathedral Rock around that time.  This early in the morning the moon and stars were still out and the landscape around me is peaceful with only the earliest of birds out singing a tune every once in a while. By the glow of my galley light I boiled some water to make a cup of fresh tea.  The light above my camper door was throwing a party for every moth within the vicinity and I played a game of opening and shutting my door as fast as possible to not let any of them inside while prepping my camper for the drive.  With tea in hand I headed towards Sedona in the dark jamming out to the radio.

Pulling into the trail head parking lot I was relieved to discover that I didn’t have to pay the $5.00 fee since I had an Access Pass.  The hike was only 0.7 miles to the top but a difficult hike for it was all uphill and one had to use their hands to climb up some of it.  In all honesty, it should not have been as difficult for me as it was.  I was breathing like I had asthma or was missing a lung; which I just don’t understand how that can be possible after all the hiking and activities I do every day!   Once I reached the top the view was worth every bit of sweat.  Sitting up there I was able to watch the sun peak up over a distant mountain/hill and then when I turned around I could see the sun creeping over the valley behind me where air balloons were taking off in the distance.  Eventually, I climbed back down and at my camper I made a protein shake for my drive.

I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do today so I settled on driving back to Flagstaff to do some laundry and would figure it from there.  The laundromat was a nice one; however, it cost me over $9.00 to do two loads of laundry and dry them.  My blue blanket was practically brown so it had to be washed no matter the cost.  While I waited for my clothes to be done I called my mom to talk to her to pass the time and ask her if she would be willing to get me a legit copy of my birth certificate so I could get a new passport; since mine was stolen back in South Carolina.    We talked until my clothes were washed, dried and folded.  I wish more than anything that she would be able to join me on my trip for I think she would benefit greatly from it and she deserves to take a break and treat herself for once in her life. 

With my laundry done I brought it back out to my vehicle and climbed in to go get some food.  Before I could leave though an older gentleman knocked on my window and wanted to see my camper.  So I shut off my vehicle and gave him the grand tour!  We talked for at least twenty minutes about the camper and how it was built etc.  He was a very sweet man and I love showing off my camper so I don’t mind taking the time to talk to people about it.  One thing though that I find over and over again which bothers me, I get it (somewhat) though, is how everyone is stunned and questions the fact that I am a single woman doing this adventure alone.   I just don’t get it.  To me a man could be raped, attacked and fail just as easily as a woman can.  So although it frustrates me it also only strengthens my resolve in doing this trip and verifies that this is something I have to do and see to the end. 

Once I left him I decided to break down and actually buy some fast food to eat for lunch.  So I stopped at Wendy’s and got the number 8 chicken sandwich with a vanilla frosty which was so divine.  Unfortunately, my body did not think it was so divine and was assaulted by the new food in my body and once I had finished it all off I felt like crap and like I just gained about 15 pounds.  While I was eating the said heart attack I drove to Meteor Crater National Monument; however, upon arriving I found out that it was not covered under the Access Pass and they wanted $18.00 for me to look at a hole in the ground!  I think not.  So I got back on the interstate and headed to the Coconino National Forest to camp for the evening.  I originally wanted to camp near Long Lake but the road to the lake was barely suitable for a truck let alone my poor little camper.  So I just pulled off to the side of the road and camped there for the night. 

I had arrived at the above location around 14:00 was planning on going into a food coma but it was so hot inside my camper that I only fell asleep for thirty minutes at the most when I was woken by the heat.  I gave up after a while and put my clothes away and made my bed which in itself took at least fifteen minutes.  Making a bed in a confined space and being a perfectionist is not a good combo. When it was as neat as it was going to get I wrote a letter to my grandparents back in Wisconsin, studied up on my GRE flashcards, spoke to my friend Travis and called it a night.



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