Monday, August 28, 2017

Day 80

August 27, 2017                                                                                                        Day 80

Like I mentioned in my last post I did not sleep well at all last night and when I awoke this morning I was not in a good mood due to the lack of sleep.  So I blared some "angry" music whilst taking a hot shower to try and wash away my mood.  Getting out I got dressed and began the process of packing all my things up for today was the day we leave.  With everything packed up and the room picked up some we headed down for our last breakfast.  We ate what we could and by 09:00 we were outside in the parking lot saying our goodbyes. It seems like life is full of so many goodbyes and a promise to see another again in the future.  I find it interesting how there are those certain goodbyes that one knows are "true" goodbyes for one knows that person will no longer be a presence in their life again.  Don't worry though I know I will see Travis again the thought of the different types of goodbyes just popped in my head and I wanted to share it.

Though I did not want to leave the lodge I welcomed being back in my vehicle with my camper behind me.  To me it is home and I just feel complete when I am near it.  I started driving south of Tucson to the San Xavier del Bac Mission where I viewed a mass that was going on and then walked around the museum.  It was interesting and a beautiful mission but after an hour I had seen all that there was to see.  In my vehicle I sat with the AC going though I do not think it made a difference.  I ate some of the left over pizza while I called the ranger station near Mount Lemmon to get information on camping and hiking in the area.  The guy I spoke with was very nice and tried to be helpful but in the end couldn't offer up too much information so I planned to just drive in the general direction and hit up the Palisade Visitor Center.

Once I got on the Catalina Highway the drive got a lot better for the higher up I went the cooler it became and the views were spectacular!  I stopped at multiple overlooks and surprisingly my vehicle hauled my camper quite well unlike it has on other mountain roads.   It is so strange to see the saguaro cacti popping out of the landscape like tall green tubes!  Around 13:00 I had arrived at the visitor center and spoke to the woman there about camping and hiking.  With her suggestions and verification on the campground I was interested in I drove a mile up the road to the dispersed camping area.  Finding an open spot was a tad difficult and my camper did not enjoy the narrow and rough mountain road in the slightest.

At last I found a spot I would be able to get my little guy into and set up my living area. The temperature up here was twenty degrees cooler than below in Tucson and a sighed in relief at that.  Once I was set up, which takes maybe five minutes tops, I ate the last of the pizza and began catching up in my journal.  Then right before calling it a night I prepped everything for getting up early and going on a hike.


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