Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 58

August 5 ,2017                                                                                                         Day 58

As I expected last night we both were not moving so quickly this morning but once we both got up the process of getting ready began.  While I was in the shower getting ready he ran to grab us some breakfast.  By the time he returned I was ready so we sat down outside and ate our meal with coffee and orange juice. Most of the morning was spent getting all our things together to head to Yellowstone.  When we were finally about to get on the road he then needed to change the oil in his vehicle and fill up with fuel so I followed him around town whilst he did that since we decided to take two vehicles.

I would like to interject here and say that I can not thank Travis enough for being so patient me with and handling my attitude the way he did.  With that said I will explain.  I don't know why but every once in a rare moon I get in this mood where I become angry and frustrated so quickly and it usually lasts about a day and then is gone.  I don't know if it is due to me usually bottling up all my feelings all the time and then I finally can't take it anymore so it comes out, if it is due to me being restless to get back on the road and accomplish something and now I had a crap load of caffeine from the coffee in my system screaming at me from inside, if I am over being in someone else's company all the time, or if I am just crazy.  When I get in those moods it's like I just cant control it and I feel like a bitch. I could go off on anyone at any given time (though I haven't yet I just feel like I can) and I know I am upsetting the people around me so I get even more irritated with myself which then makes it worse for I keep quiet and try not to say anything I might regret.  In turn keeping quiet usually makes people curious as to what is wrong and I don't know how to explain to them that I just need to be alone and I am mad for no reason at all.  All in all this only happens maybe at most three times a year and I apologize again for another rant! HaHa.

Moving right along, we arrived in Yellowstone National Park via the East Entrance around 13:00 and had to wait until 13:30 when the staff for the back country office returned from lunch.  Once they reopened we headed in and due to us not arriving until late afternoon all the sites I had planned on us camping at were no longer available.  In fact, there was only one campsite within the lower half of the park that was available so although it wasn't what I had planned for us we took it.   After watching a movie on bear safety and paying the $6.00 for the both of us we walked over to the general store.  There we acquired ice cream sandwiches (which I demanded in my crabby mood), a bottle of whiskey and some chips to snack on.  We ate our ice cream sandwiches at a picnic table and then took off in our vehicles to park mine at the trail head called Delacy Creek.

Since it was already so late in the day everything I had planned for us to cover was no longer an option so we drove together to Old Faithful to see at least that.  I knew it would be packed but to me it reminded me of a theme-park but without the rides.  People were everywhere, kids were screaming and vehicles drove every which way.   I think it is a mute point to say that in my present mood this was not a place I should be.  We walked to the boardwalk that was in front of Old Faithful and waited for what seemed like an eternity for it to go off.   When it finally did it was no where near as grand as I thought it would be but I attribute that mostly due to my current mood.  From there we drove back to the trail head and loaded up for the short three mile hike to our campsite.

The hike to our campsite was a quiet one for neither of us really spoke and I know it was all due to me.  Today was definitely not one of my finer moments and all day long I kept wishing and trying to get out of the mood I was in but it seemed the harder I tried the worse I made it.  Thankfully the hike allowed me to work off some pent up energy and by the time we entered the campsite I felt like I was back to normal.  Travis even mentioned I seemed to be in a better mood so maybe I just had so much pent up energy and the fact that I had no outlet at the time it caused me to become dis-tempered?  

Anyways our campsite was pretty amazing for it was right on the lake and had a pit toilet, a bear hanging pole and a nice place to set up camp.  As soon as we got there we hung up our smellables and proceeded to set up camp.  From there we sat on a dead and weathered tree where we boiled some hot water to add to our granola to soften it up.  We also had an idea to warm up one of our bagels to eat; however, we weren't really paying attention and ended up burning the bagel instead.  Even with peanut butter added to the bagel it tasted like I was eating propane fuel.  HaHa oh well lesson learned!   Once we finished dinner and cleaned up we both were in bed by 20:00.

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