Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Day 73

August 20, 2017                                                                                                          Day 73

This morning I woke up without an alarm clock around 06:00 and was well rested and at a perfect temperature for once.  Moving about I made a cup of coffee, packed up my camper, got dressed in clean clothes might I add and was on the road by 06:30.  This morning was perfect!  I was in a wonderful mood and so completely happy that I almost started to cry from the emotion of it all.  Driving away from my camping location I spotted a double rainbow and as I looked behind me I saw another rainbow off in the distance.  I could tell today was going to be a great one!

As I sang along with the country station on the radio and drank my coffee I was ready for anything life decided to throw at me today.  For we all know I can’t go a day without approaching some obstacle.  I needed some fuel before I got back on the interstate so I stopped off at a Flying J's to fill up and clean my windshield.  Damn! I was feeling like I was on top of the world for some reason today and it only got worse when I noticed how all the men stared at me as I walked by….though as I think about they were probably staring not because I thought I looked great but because I was dressed like I just came out from being in the woods for a week! HaHa.   On the interstate, I had about an hour’s drive until I reached the Petrified Forest National Park so I passed the time singing to the radio and day dreaming.  Don’t worry I was still paying attention to the road…multi-tasking people.

Arriving at the visitor center I was the only vehicle there so I used the restroom and then filled up all my water bottles at the fill up station.  Then I walked inside to annoy the girl at the front desk with all my questions about hiking, the eclipse and activities in the park.  I do feel bad for all the people at the parks I go to for I ask a million questions.  Leaving the visitor center, I passed through the entrance station and proceeded to hit every stop along the drive.  The views were pretty unique for the sand was a variety of blues, greens, purples, reds and whites.  The colors of the landscape made it seem like I was on another planet.  Then there is the petrified wood!  Over time it has turned into crystals and resembles rocks for than the trees they once were.  It is definitely something one should experience if given the opportunity. 

At one stop, two men had asked if I built my trailer to which I responded I did and then asked if they wanted to see it.  So I showed it to them and then we proceeded to talk for a little bit and I found out that they were from Michigan.  After they left, I continued to see the rest of the park and headed down the road, out of the park, to the Crystal Forest Museum and Gift Shop that had free camping.  It was there that I decided I would camp for the night since any other camping areas were at least forty miles away and I wanted to be back at the park in the morning for the solar eclipse. 

The only bad thing about the camping spot was that it was only 15:30 and there was absolutely nothing to do nearby.  I wasn’t going to go thru the park again for I had already seen everything there was to see and though it was spectacular, seeing it once was good enough.  I guess luckily it started to rain some so even if there was something to do I wouldn’t have been able to do it in the rain.  So I just planned on heading back into the park tomorrow to acquire a free pair of glasses and watch the partial eclipse.  To pass the rest of the night away I made some Ramon noodles, spoke to my mother and then Travis and by 20:00 I was in bed.

Painted desert

I literally took over a hundred pictures of this guy

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