Monday, August 28, 2017

Day 77

August 24, 2017                                                                                                     Day 77

By 05:30 I was wide awake.  I laid in bed for a few minutes until I just couldn't take it anymore and got up to brush my teeth, make the bed and head into the kitchen for a glass of water.  Last night, he had mentioned he might go biking in the morning so I was not sure if he did or not; however, within a few minutes of standing in the kitchen I received my answer when he emerged from his room.  I was sitting at the "bar" I do not know what it is called when its a kitchen counter but has chairs.  Can't you tell that I am probably the worst woman ever for when it comes to home things I have no clue!  Anyways, once again we just talked effortlessly and as he was making his oatmeal he offered to make me breakfast.  Everything he listed off to make sounded amazing and we finally settled on an omelette.  So as he went about making me breakfast I sipped on my hot tea whilst eating blueberries and when the omelette was finished I have to say that it was the best omelette I have ever had!  I pretty much devoured it.

After breakfast, he got ready for work and I just relaxed on the couch catching up with my emails that I have fallen behind on.  When he came back out we sat and talked some more until he had to leave for work.  At my vehicle, we said our goodbyes and I got in my vehicle to head south towards Tucson.  As I drove away I silently hoped that I would be able to see him again or at the very least that we would stay in touch. The drive was an interesting one for the landscape was dotted with the saguaro cacti and then there were the mountains all around me as I drove. By 12:00, I had arrived at my destination and messaged Travis to see what his ETA would be.  He was only a half hour out so I got our key and headed up to the room.

The place was absolutely amazing and huge!  All I have to say is thank you Travis for this!  Once he arrived we caught up with what was all going on in each others lives since last we saw each other.  We were both pretty hungry so we headed into town for Mexican food.  Along the way to the restaurant we stopped to acquire an oil change for his vehicle and so he could get a hair cut.  Then since it was so hot out we decided what better way to cool off then to go swim in the saltwater pool downstairs.  So there we spent a few hours swimming around, sipping on some beers and catching up some more.

At this point, I was full and somewhat exhausted which I contribute to the heat, swimming and of course the beers.  We had decided earlier that we were not going to go out and do anything tonight so we just turned on the TV (which we only received one channel) and although we were both full we ate our leftovers anyways. Ha.  At some point, we both passed out which for me is quite common when I drink beer.  It makes me so tired once I stop drinking or am not continuously doing anything.   This place that we are at though is pretty amazing and I have to say I am blessed to have the people in my life that I do.  Who would have thought that I would be where I am at today!

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