Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 53

July 31, 2017                                                                                                                Day 53

Since I never really went to sleep I can't say I woke up at any given time.  Why I couldn't sleep I do not know but I kept waking up and I couldn't get comfortable and although it was freezing out I was warm and cozy in my sleeping bag.  Finally, I couldn't take laying there anymore trying to sleep so I got up and while I waited for Travis I took down my hammock.  Since it was quite cold out I had put on my North Face jacket and put my socks and shoes on.  I do have to say that my feet look hideous! I have multiple blisters and yesterday I had to pop the big one that covered three toes so I could walk, my nails have split and look like crap in general.

When we headed over to the cooking area there were two other families there and we all talked while we boiled water for coffee and to soften up our granola cereal.  Sitting there I was happy that Travis was here with me for it has made this experience so much greater and enjoyable to have someone to share it with that enjoys it as much as I do.  After breakfast we began breaking down camp and repacking our packs for the trip back to the parking lot.  Around 10:00 we were on the trail and ready for the 13.3 mile stretch back.

Starting off felt good even with the heavy pack and I was in the lead which I have found I prefer.  I didn't realize how fast I was hiking and I had to slow down for before I knew it four miles flew by.  At one point, we met a volunteer ranger who I thoroughly enjoyed talking to.  He was very knowledgeable about the grizzly and black bear studies throughout the park and Montana.  I probably could have stayed there talking with him all day but Travis wanted to get going which was a good idea for my legs were locking up from standing still.  Back on the trail we had to regain our legs and get our feet to cooperate under us.   Every time we stop to rest it is harder and harder to get going again for everything locks up instantly.

We kept pushing on though and on the hike back we only stopped about three times to unload our packs and eat some honey, cliff bars and some weird yogurt things one of the families gave us. Once I adjusted my pack a certain way the strain on my neck was relieved and I was good to go again.  At one point when Travis was leading he looked up and spotted a young bull moose standing in the water!  Finally, we were able to see a moose on this hike and we stood there admiring it from afar for some time.  Luckily, we did not come across any grizzly bears but that morning we did come across two fresh droppings along the trail.

At the last stream we passed I took off my shoes and socks and placed my feet in the freezing water which made them feel amazing and when my put my shoes back on it was like I had new feet. While we sat by the stream in the shade we snacked on the last of the cliff bars, honey, and downed a five hour energy drink to make the last stretch.  The last leg of the trail was all uphill and though it sucked it wasn't that bad and it actually felt good.  Though I will admit when I saw that parking lot I was so relieved!  At the vehicle, we both took off our packs and I walked around stretching out in the parking lot.  When I took off my socks and shoes for the last time it felt so good and Travis and I passed a bottle of Kampuchea back and forth.

In clean clothes and exhausted and sore as hell we climbed into the vehicle and by 16:30 we were on our way back to Cody, Wyoming.  The drive back was boring and long but I think we both were beyond tired and just spent.  We stopped at a Wendy's in Great Falls, Montana and I downed all my food and a frosty.  From there we drove on wards toward Cody where we arrived at 01:30 am and passed out as soon as we got inside the house.

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