Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 65

August 12, 2017                                                                                                           Day 65

Where to begin with today...and frankly tomorrow also?  Honestly, I would like to just skip the whole weekend but then I wouldn't be doing a true blog or story of my journey.  If I only wrote about the good things then it would be even more boring then it already probably is to read.  Note that I do not include all the details of everything nor all the people I meet or encounter for I believe everyone deserves some privacy and I don't know how some people would feel about them being in my blog so I either omit them or change the names.

To begin, today is Saturday a day I am "suppose" to expect a call from someone whom I thought was a close friend of mine.  For the last month and a half however this person has decided to just pretend I no longer exist and I have been trying to get in touch with them to figure out what the deal is so I can move on.    To me if you don't want to be my friend or don't want me in your life any longer just tell me.  It's that simple.  Since it would require cell service to speak to this person I opted to stay put and not go onto the Grand Canyon where I wouldn't have cell service for I wanted this settled once and for all.

Today did start of with potential for I had made a cup of coffee and watched the sun rise over the mountains.  Then as people began coming and going to use the rest room and take in the view I called my grandmother to discuss my options for the day, get her take on it all and see how her week had been.  When our conversation ended I was quite productive with the book I was making for my niece on Shutter-fly.  In between working on the book I spoke to my good friend Josh and watched one episode of a show on Netflix when my hand needed a break from being on the computer.

All day I waited. And waited. And waited.  Finally, at 17:27 I received a text saying that they were dealing with some things but would call when they could and within that text essential said our friendship was over without really say that.  The funny thing is I knew they weren't going to call.  I was hanging onto a false hope for their word stopped meaning anything many months ago.  I knew it was coming but it still hurt.  I just can't comprehend how someone can be so heartless and inconsiderate of other peoples feelings.  Yet,  I still waited for a phone call I knew wasn't going to come.  I waited until 03:00 am for sleep wouldn't have come to me even if I tried and I hadn't eaten anything all day due to the knots in my stomach.  Some point after that exhaustion took over and I feel asleep.


  1. Meghan, my wife, Adriana, and I met you at a scenic overlook about an hour north of the entrance to the north side of the Grand Canyon. We know you did eventually go to the Canyon because we saw your trailer in the parking lot. Had we seen you there, we would have invited you to dinner.
    Your adventure is truly epic. In a way it reminds me of John Steinbeck's "Travels With Charlie." If you get back to San Antonio, don't hesitate to give us a call at (210) 861-9348. With your expertise in wildlife management, you might be interested in seeing Axis, Sika, Fallow, and whitetail deer, blackbuck antelope, aoudad sheep, and wild hogs we have on our ranch.
    Good luck and be careful.
    Dick and Adriana Moore

    1. Dick and Adriana Moore,

      Hey! It is so nice to hear from you and it was a pleasure meeting you also! I appreciate the thought of inviting me to dinner that is very kind of you. I am always looking for new books to read so I will check out that book by John Steinbeck.

      I would absolutely love to see all those species on your ranch and will most definitely get in touch with you when I go back to San Antonio! Thank you and until we meet again take care!

