Friday, November 3, 2017

Day 139

October 25, 2017                                                                                                       Day 139

Wow.  That is all I have to say about how well I slept and how amazing I felt waking up this morning!  It was still dark out when I went to my vehicle to obtain my oatmeal and take it back to my camper to heat up inside on my backpacking stove.  I mixed peanut butter and a banana with it and it was delicious.  As I ate that I felt amazing and called my mom up to give her my plan of attack for the day.  After our conversation I went to my vehicle and sat in there until it warmed up; then, with my sun blocker up and my jacket in one window and a sweater in the other I changed into my warm hiking clothes.

From there I drove to the trail head, that I was supposed to go to yesterday, that was only a few minutes away.  The view on the drive was beautiful for the sun was coming up and with the mountains in the backdrop it was quite a site to see.  I was the only one at the trail head and there was a light drizzle coming down with a forecast of an overcast sky.  The hike was nothing spectacular for it was mostly thru the woods and crossed a few streams.  It was all uphill with a 2,519 foot elevation gain but I was never out of breath.  The entire hike, I was lost in my head over this new revelation of freedom and happiness.  When I reached Lake Angeles it was pretty but nothing mind blowing.  The fog was rolling over the lake but the water was still crystal clear.  I snapped a few pictures and then headed back down running the majority of the way.  In total it was eight miles and I did it under three hours.

At my camper, I began messaging one of my friends and changed into decent clothes.  I brushed out my hair and let the light rain sink into it to wash it out some.  I have to say I should get a medal for the skills I have in changing from hiking clothes into a nice outfit in my vehicle and not looking like I haven't had a shower in quite some time! HaHa.  Once I was dressed, I put all my dirty dishes in a plastic bag to wash in the outdoor sink at the visitor center, put all my garbage together and made lunch.  Lunch consisted of kale, carrots, bleu cheese, a hard-boiled egg, mango-lime dressing and then some cantaloupe.   After I ate that I drove to the visitor center where I got the mileage on some hikes and did my dishes.  All this time still messaging a good friend of mine.

From the center, I drove two minutes to the public library and ended up parking in the Lutheran Church lot that had parking for my camper.  In the library, I found a spot at a table facing a window and began updating  my blog and uploading workout videos.  My mom called me and we ended up talking for over an hour while I continued typing up my blog.  I didn't get caught up but I did update my Excel sheets and get some videos uploaded.  By 18:30 ish I was hungry and tired so I went back to the Walmart and heated up a chicken meal in my camper.  I updated my journal and spoke to my friend about us both wanting it to be Friday when he flies to Seattle to hang out with me!


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