Sunday, July 8, 2018

Day 263

June 23, 2018                                                                                                  Day 263

For some reason today, I felt groggy and irritated which was mostly due to the nightmares I had last night.  It felt so real that at one point I had woken up crying for it was about a family member of mine dying and it was due to me.  She had fallen off a rock over a waterfall and though I caught her when I tried to revive her she died. So that put me off for the majority of the day.

When Jason got back from walking Daisy we headed into town to do all our grocery shopping for meal prepping.  I find it easy to shop with him which is nice for I have been shopping with other people and it’s frustrating at times.  I think the price we paid for food was absolutely insane; however, I have to remind myself that I am now shopping for two people and we are starting out, so we will be able to use a lot of it again.  Back at his place we unloaded the groceries and as I got the RV ready and meal prepped, Jason created something to store his bikes overhead, got the generator working and installed a fan.

All day long the weather has been completely OCD going from downpour rain to sunshine every five minutes.  Once the majority of meal prep and camper stuff was done we did a workout and then made hamburgers with chips and some hummus we made. We ate that while watching Get Hard which was a funny movie. 

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